International investment location decisions: The case of US firms D Wheeler, A Mody Journal of international economics 33 (1-2), 57-76, 1992 | 3399 | 1992 |
Innovation and the international diffusion of environmentally responsive technology JO Lanjouw, A Mody Research policy 25 (4), 549-571, 1996 | 1331 | 1996 |
Exchange rate regime durability and performance in developing versus advanced economies AM Husain, A Mody, KS Rogoff Journal of monetary economics 52 (1), 35-64, 2005 | 1034* | 2005 |
What explains changing spreads on emerging-market debt: fundamentals or market sentiment? B Eichengreen, A Mody National Bureau of Economic Research, 1998 | 1026 | 1998 |
Financial reform: What shakes it? What shapes it? A Abiad, A Mody American Economic Review 95 (1), 66-88, 2005 | 804 | 2005 |
Learning through alliances A Mody Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 20 (2), 151-170, 1993 | 668 | 1993 |
Growing up with capital flows A Mody, AP Murshid Journal of international economics 65 (1), 249-266, 2005 | 664 | 2005 |
How foreign participation and market concentration impact bank spreads: evidence from Latin America MSM Peria, A Mody Journal of money, credit and banking, 511-537, 2004 | 642 | 2004 |
Environmental regulation and development: A cross-country empirical analysis S Dasgupta, A Mody, S Roy, D Wheeler Oxford development studies 29 (2), 173-187, 2001 | 598 | 2001 |
The eurozone crisis: how banks and sovereigns came to be joined at the hip A Mody, D Sandri Economic policy 27 (70), 199-230, 2012 | 529* | 2012 |
How the subprime crisis went global: Evidence from bank credit default swap spreads B Eichengreen, A Mody, M Nedeljkovic, L Sarno Journal of International Money and Finance 31 (5), 1299-1318, 2012 | 484 | 2012 |
International finance and income convergence: Europe is different A Abiad, D Leigh, A Mody International Monetary Fund, 2007 | 358* | 2007 |
Can budget institutions counteract political indiscipline? S Fabrizio, A Mody Economic Policy 21 (48), 690-739, 2006 | 349 | 2006 |
Buyer-seller links in export development ML Egan, A Mody World development 20 (3), 321-334, 1992 | 309 | 1992 |
Explaining industrial growth in coastal China: economic reforms… and what else? A Mody, FY Wang The World Bank Economic Review 11 (2), 293-325, 1997 | 298 | 1997 |
EuroTragedy: a drama in nine acts A Mody Oxford University Press, 2018 | 295 | 2018 |
Do collective action clauses raise borrowing costs? B Eichengreen, A Mody The Economic Journal 114 (495), 247-264, 2004 | 293* | 2004 |
Japanese and US firms as foreign investors: do they march to the same tune? A Mody, K Srinivasan Canadian journal of economics, 778-799, 1998 | 284 | 1998 |
Precautionary savings in the great recession A Mody, F Ohnsorge, D Sandri IMF Economic Review 60 (1), 114-138, 2012 | 278 | 2012 |
What is an emerging market A Mody Geo. J. Int'l L. 35, 641, 2003 | 244 | 2003 |