Jean-Marc Pétillon
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Des Magdaléniens en armes. Technologie des armatures de projectile en bois de Cervidé du Magdalénien supérieur de la grotte d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
JM Pétillon
Cedarc, 2006
Hard core and cutting edge: experimental manufacture and use of Magdalenian composite projectile tips
JM Pétillon, O Bignon, P Bodu, P Cattelain, G Debout, M Langlais, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (6), 1266-1283, 2011
The evolution of Magdalenian societies in South-West France between 18,000 and 14,000 calBP: Changing environments, changing tool kits
M Langlais, S Costamagno, V Laroulandie, JM Pétillon, E Discamps, ...
Quaternary international 272, 138-149, 2012
New extensive focused AMS 14C dating of the Middle and Upper Magdalenian of the western Aquitaine/Pyrenean region of France (ca. 19–14 ka cal BP): Proposing a new model for its …
C Barshay-Szmidt, S Costamagno, D Henry-Gambier, V Laroulandie, ...
Quaternary International 414, 62-91, 2016
First evidence of a whale-bone industry in the western European Upper Paleolithic: Magdalenian artifacts from Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France)
JM Pétillon
Journal of Human Evolution 54 (5), 720-726, 2008
From flakes to grooves: A technical shift in antlerworking during the last glacial maximum in southwest France
JM Pétillon, S Ducasse
Journal of Human Evolution 62 (4), 435-465, 2012
Circulation of whale-bone artifacts in the northern Pyrenees during the late Upper Paleolithic
JM Pétillon
Journal of Human Evolution 65 (5), 525-543, 2013
What are these barbs for? Preliminary study on the function of the Upper Magdalenian barbed weapon tips
JM Pétillon
Palethnologie. Archéologie et sciences humaines, 2009
Technological evolution of hunting implements among Pleistocene hunter–gatherers: Osseous projectile points in the middle and upper Magdalenian (19–14 ka cal BP)
JM Pétillon
Quaternary International 414, 108-134, 2016
Premières dates radiocarbone pour le Magdalénien d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
C Szmidt, JM Pétillon, P Cattelain, C Normand, C Schwab
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 106 (3), 588-592, 2009
Reexamining the timing of reindeer disappearance in southwestern France in the larger context of late glacial faunal turnover
S Costamagno, C Barshay-Szmidt, D Kuntz, V Laroulandie, JM Pétillon, ...
Quaternary International 414, 34-61, 2016
Hunting lesions caused by osseous projectile points: experimental results and archaeological implications
C Letourneux, JM Pétillon
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (10), 2849-2862, 2008
Thirty years of experimental research on the breakage patterns of Stone Age osseous points. Overview, methodological problems and current perspectives
JM Pétillon, H Plisson, P Cattelain
Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of Stone Age weaponry, 47-63, 2016
Identification of" debitage by fracturation" on reindeer antler: case study of the Badegoulian levels at the Cuzoul de Vers (Lot, France)
A Averbouh, JM Pétillon
7th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group, p. 41-52, 2009
Premiers temps du Magdalénien en Gironde: réévaluation des fouilles Trécolle à Saint-Germain-la-Rivière (France)
M Langlais, V Laroulandie, S Costamagno, JM Pétillon, JB Mallye, ...
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 5-58, 2015
Diversity and evolution of osseous hunting equipment during the Magdalenian (21,000–14,000 cal BP)
MC Langley, JM Pétillon, M Christensen
Osseous projectile weaponry: Towards an understanding of Pleistocene …, 2017
The human occupation of the northwestern Pyrenees in the Late Glacial: new data from the Arudy basin, lower Ossau valley
JM Pétillon, M Langlais, D Kuntz, C Normand, C Barshay-Szmidt, ...
Quaternary International 364, 126-143, 2015
Le travail du bois de renne dans les couches badegouliennes
JM Pétillon, A Averbouh
Solutréen et Badegoulien au Cuzoul de Vers: des chasseurs de rennes en …, 2012
Datation radiocarbone directe et attribution culturelle des vestiges humains paléolithiques de la grotte d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
D Henry-Gambier, C Normand, JM Pétillon
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 645-656, 2013
Lecture critique de la stratigraphie magdalénienne de la Grande Salle d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
JM Pétillon
Antiquités nationales 36, 105-131, 2004
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