Seeing everyone else's highlight reels: How Facebook usage is linked to depressive symptoms MLN Steers, RE Wickham, LK Acitelli Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 33 (8), 701-731, 2014 | 877 | 2014 |
The supervisor POS–LMX–subordinate POS chain: Moderation by reciprocation wariness and supervisor's organizational embodiment R Eisenberger, MK Shoss, G Karagonlar, MG Gonzalez‐Morales, ... Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (5), 635-656, 2014 | 289 | 2014 |
Perceived authenticity in romantic partners RE Wickham Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (5), 878-887, 2013 | 160 | 2013 |
Online prevention of postpartum depression for Spanish-and English-speaking pregnant women: a pilot randomized controlled trial AZ Barrera, RE Wickham, RF Muñoz Internet interventions 2 (3), 257-265, 2015 | 155 | 2015 |
Gaming-contingent self-worth, gaming motivation, and internet gaming disorder CL Beard, RE Wickham Computers in Human Behavior 61, 507-515, 2016 | 153 | 2016 |
Age of initiation and internet gaming disorder: The role of self-esteem CL Beard, AL Haas, RE Wickham, V Stavropoulos Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 20 (6), 397-401, 2017 | 123 | 2017 |
Newcomer immigrant adolescents: A mixed-methods examination of family stressors and school outcomes. SG Patel, AV Clarke, F Eltareb, EE Macciomei, RE Wickham School psychology quarterly 31 (2), 163, 2016 | 117 | 2016 |
Interdependence theory and the actor–partner interdependence model: Where theory and method converge RE Wickham, CR Knee Personality and Social Psychology Review 16 (4), 375-393, 2012 | 113 | 2012 |
Authenticity attenuates the negative effects of interpersonal conflict on daily well-being RE Wickham, RE Williamson, CL Beard, CLB Kobayashi, TW Hirst Journal of Research in Personality 60, 56-62, 2016 | 105 | 2016 |
Identifying classes of conjoint alcohol and marijuana use in entering freshmen. AL Haas, R Wickham, K Macia, M Shields, R Macher, T Schulte Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29 (3), 620, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
Examining temporal processes in diary studies RE Wickham, CR Knee Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (9), 1184-1198, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
War-exposed newcomer adolescent immigrants facing daily life stressors in the United States SG Patel, AH Staudenmeyer, R Wickham, WM Firmender, L Fields, ... International Journal of Intercultural Relations 60, 120-131, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Impact of civil marriage recognition for long-term same-sex couples EDB Riggle, RE Wickham, SS Rostosky, ED Rothblum, KF Balsam Sexuality Research and Social Policy 14, 223-232, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Identification of hazardous drinking with the Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire: Relative operating characteristics as a function of gender. JP Read, AL Haas, S Radomski, RE Wickham, SE Borish Psychological assessment 28 (10), 1276, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Cultural pathways for suicidal ideation and behaviors. J Chu, B Maruyama, H Batchelder, P Goldblum, B Bongar, RE Wickham Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 26 (3), 367, 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
Longitudinal predictors of relationship dissolution among same-sex and heterosexual couples. KF Balsam, ED Rothblum, RE Wickham Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice 6 (4), 247, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
Development and validation of the Kernis-Goldman authenticity inventory-short form (KGAI-SF) MJ Bond, NE Strauss, RE Wickham Personality and Individual Differences 134, 1-6, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Establishing the psychometric properties of the Self and Perceived-partner Authenticity in Relationships Scale-Short Form (AIRS-SF): Measurement invariance, reliability, and … RE Wickham, DE Reed, RE Williamson Personality and Individual Differences 77, 62-67, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
The impact of item misspecification and dichotomization on class and parameter recovery in LCA of count data KS Macia, RE Wickham Multivariate Behavioral Research 54 (1), 113-145, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Timesizing proximity and perceived organizational support: Contributions to employee well-being and extra-role performance P Neves, S Mesdaghinia, R Eisenberger, RE Wickham Journal of Change Management 18 (1), 70-90, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |