Sex discrimination in simulated employment contexts: A meta-analytic investigation HK Davison, MJ Burke Journal of Vocational Behavior 56 (2), 225-248, 2000 | 729 | 2000 |
Friend or foe? The promise and pitfalls of using social networking sites for HR decisions HK Davison, C Maraist, MN Bing Journal of business and psychology 26, 153-159, 2011 | 481 | 2011 |
Dimensions of the mysticism scale: Confirming the three‐factor structure in the United States and Iran RW Hood, Jr, N Ghorbani, PJ Watson, AF Ghramaleki, MN Bing, ... Journal for the scientific study of Religion 40 (4), 691-705, 2001 | 329 | 2001 |
The incremental validity of interview scores over and above cognitive ability and conscientiousness scores JM Cortina, NB Goldstein, SC Payne, HK Davison, SW Gilliland Personnel Psychology 53 (2), 325-351, 2000 | 329 | 2000 |
In the eyes of the beholder: A non-self-report measure of workplace deviance. SM Stewart, MN Bing, HK Davison, DJ Woehr, MD McIntyre Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (1), 207, 2009 | 294 | 2009 |
Incremental validity of the frame-of-reference effect in personality scale scores: a replication and extension. MN Bing, JC Whanger, HK Davison, JB VanHook Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (1), 150, 2004 | 284 | 2004 |
Self-reported emotional intelligence: Construct similarity and functional dissimilarity of higher-order processing in Iran and the United States N Ghorbani, MN Bing, PJ Watson, HK Davison, DA Mack International Journal of psychology 37 (5), 297-308, 2002 | 282 | 2002 |
Religiosity and moral identity: The mediating role of self-control SJ Vitell, MN Bing, HK Davison, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic Journal of Business Ethics 88, 601-613, 2009 | 278 | 2009 |
The prediction of task and contextual performance by political skill: A meta-analysis and moderator test MN Bing, HK Davison, I Minor, MM Novicevic, DD Frink Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (2), 563-577, 2011 | 264 | 2011 |
Integrating implicit and explicit social cognitions for enhanced personality assessment: A general framework for choosing measurement and statistical methods MN Bing, JM LeBreton, HK Davison, DZ Migetz, LR James Organizational Research Methods 10 (2), 346-389, 2007 | 226 | 2007 |
To screen or not to screen? Using the internet for selection decisions HK Davison, CC Maraist, RH Hamilton, MN Bing Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 24, 1-21, 2012 | 199 | 2012 |
An integrative typology of personality assessment for aggression: Implications for predicting counterproductive workplace behavior. MN Bing, SM Stewart, HK Davison, PD Green, MD McIntyre, LR James Journal of applied psychology 92 (3), 722, 2007 | 180 | 2007 |
Individualist and collectivist values: Evidence of compatibility in Iran and the United States N Ghorbani, MN Bing, PJ Watson, HK Davison, DL LeBreton Personality and Individual Differences 35 (2), 431-447, 2003 | 159 | 2003 |
Overclaiming as a measure of faking MN Bing, D Kluemper, HK Davison, S Taylor, M Novicevic Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 116 (1), 148-162, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
An experimental investigation of an interactive model of academic cheating among business school students MN Bing, HK Davison, SJ Vitell, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (1), 28-48, 2012 | 111 | 2012 |
Negatively reinforcing personal extrinsic motivations: Religious orientation, inner awareness, and mental health in Iran and the United States PJ Watson, N Ghorbani, HK Davison, MN Bing, RW Hood Jr, ... The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 12 (4), 255-276, 2002 | 106 | 2002 |
Social media as a personnel selection and hiring resource: Reservations and recommendations HK Davison, MN Bing, DH Kluemper, PL Roth Social media in employee selection and recruitment: Theory, practice, and …, 2016 | 91 | 2016 |
Two facets of self-knowledge: Cross-cultural development of measures N Ghorbani, PJ Watson, MN Bing, HK Davison, D LeBreton Genetic, social, and General psychology monographs 129 (3), 238-268, 2003 | 85 | 2003 |
The search for skills: Knowledge stars and innovation in the hiring process RH Hamilton, HK Davison Business Horizons 61 (3), 409-419, 2018 | 78 | 2018 |
The multidimensionality of the equity sensitivity construct: Integrating separate benevolence and entitlement dimensions for enhanced construct measurement HK Davison, MN Bing Journal of Managerial Issues, 131-150, 2008 | 75 | 2008 |