H. Kristl Davison
H. Kristl Davison
E-mail megerősítve itt: appstate.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Sex discrimination in simulated employment contexts: A meta-analytic investigation
HK Davison, MJ Burke
Journal of Vocational Behavior 56 (2), 225-248, 2000
Friend or foe? The promise and pitfalls of using social networking sites for HR decisions
HK Davison, C Maraist, MN Bing
Journal of business and psychology 26, 153-159, 2011
Dimensions of the mysticism scale: Confirming the three‐factor structure in the United States and Iran
RW Hood, Jr, N Ghorbani, PJ Watson, AF Ghramaleki, MN Bing, ...
Journal for the scientific study of Religion 40 (4), 691-705, 2001
The incremental validity of interview scores over and above cognitive ability and conscientiousness scores
JM Cortina, NB Goldstein, SC Payne, HK Davison, SW Gilliland
Personnel Psychology 53 (2), 325-351, 2000
In the eyes of the beholder: A non-self-report measure of workplace deviance.
SM Stewart, MN Bing, HK Davison, DJ Woehr, MD McIntyre
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (1), 207, 2009
Incremental validity of the frame-of-reference effect in personality scale scores: a replication and extension.
MN Bing, JC Whanger, HK Davison, JB VanHook
Journal of Applied Psychology 89 (1), 150, 2004
Self-reported emotional intelligence: Construct similarity and functional dissimilarity of higher-order processing in Iran and the United States
N Ghorbani, MN Bing, PJ Watson, HK Davison, DA Mack
International Journal of psychology 37 (5), 297-308, 2002
Religiosity and moral identity: The mediating role of self-control
SJ Vitell, MN Bing, HK Davison, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic
Journal of Business Ethics 88, 601-613, 2009
The prediction of task and contextual performance by political skill: A meta-analysis and moderator test
MN Bing, HK Davison, I Minor, MM Novicevic, DD Frink
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79 (2), 563-577, 2011
Integrating implicit and explicit social cognitions for enhanced personality assessment: A general framework for choosing measurement and statistical methods
MN Bing, JM LeBreton, HK Davison, DZ Migetz, LR James
Organizational Research Methods 10 (2), 346-389, 2007
To screen or not to screen? Using the internet for selection decisions
HK Davison, CC Maraist, RH Hamilton, MN Bing
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 24, 1-21, 2012
An integrative typology of personality assessment for aggression: Implications for predicting counterproductive workplace behavior.
MN Bing, SM Stewart, HK Davison, PD Green, MD McIntyre, LR James
Journal of applied psychology 92 (3), 722, 2007
Individualist and collectivist values: Evidence of compatibility in Iran and the United States
N Ghorbani, MN Bing, PJ Watson, HK Davison, DL LeBreton
Personality and Individual Differences 35 (2), 431-447, 2003
Overclaiming as a measure of faking
MN Bing, D Kluemper, HK Davison, S Taylor, M Novicevic
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 116 (1), 148-162, 2011
An experimental investigation of an interactive model of academic cheating among business school students
MN Bing, HK Davison, SJ Vitell, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic
Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (1), 28-48, 2012
Negatively reinforcing personal extrinsic motivations: Religious orientation, inner awareness, and mental health in Iran and the United States
PJ Watson, N Ghorbani, HK Davison, MN Bing, RW Hood Jr, ...
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 12 (4), 255-276, 2002
Social media as a personnel selection and hiring resource: Reservations and recommendations
HK Davison, MN Bing, DH Kluemper, PL Roth
Social media in employee selection and recruitment: Theory, practice, and …, 2016
Two facets of self-knowledge: Cross-cultural development of measures
N Ghorbani, PJ Watson, MN Bing, HK Davison, D LeBreton
Genetic, social, and General psychology monographs 129 (3), 238-268, 2003
The search for skills: Knowledge stars and innovation in the hiring process
RH Hamilton, HK Davison
Business Horizons 61 (3), 409-419, 2018
The multidimensionality of the equity sensitivity construct: Integrating separate benevolence and entitlement dimensions for enhanced construct measurement
HK Davison, MN Bing
Journal of Managerial Issues, 131-150, 2008
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