David E. Sharp
David E. Sharp
Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Homing and reproductive habits of mallards, gadwalls, and blue-winged teal
JT Lokemoen, HF Duebbert, DE Sharp
Wildlife Monographs, 3-28, 1990
Assessment of nasal marker materials and designs used on dabbling ducks
JT Lokemoen, DE Sharp
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 13 (1), 53-56, 1985
A decoy trap for breeding-season mallards in North Dakota
DE Sharp, JT Lokemoen
The Journal of wildlife management, 711-715, 1987
Electric fences to reduce mammalian predation on waterfowl nests
JT Lokemoen, HA Doty, DE Sharp, JE Neaville
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 318-323, 1982
Concentrated nesting of mallards and gadwalls on Miller Lake Island, North Dakota
HF Duebbert, JT Lokemoen, DE Sharp
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 729-740, 1983
Nest spacing, habitat selection, and behavior of waterfowl on Miller Lake Island, North Dakota
JT Lokemoen, HF Duebbert, DE Sharp
The Journal of wildlife management, 309-321, 1984
Rice available to waterfowl in harvested fields in the Sacramento Valley, California
MR Miller, DE Sharp, DS Gilmer, WR Mulvaney
California Fish and Game 75 (2), 113-123, 1989
The migratory bird treaty and a century of waterfowl conservation
MG Anderson, RT Alisauskas, BDJ Batt, RJ Blohm, KF Higgins, MC Perry, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (2), 247-259, 2018
Migration and winter distributions of canvasbacks staging on the upper Mississippi River
JR Serie, DL Trauger, DE Sharp
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 741-753, 1983
Body weight and composition dynamics of fall migrating canvasbacks
JR Serie, DE Sharp
The Journal of wildlife management, 431-441, 1989
Nest sites of ducks in grazed mixed-grass prairie in North Dakota
HF Duebbert, JT Lokemoen, DE Sharp
Prairie Naturalist 18 (2), 99-108, 1986
Population status, hunting regulations, hunting activity, and harvests of Mid-continent sandhill cranes
DE Sharp, WD Vogel
Age-class determination of canvasbacks
JR Serie, DL Trauger, HA Doty, DE Sharp
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 894-904, 1982
Weights of wild mallard Anas platyrhynchos, gadwall A. strepera, and blue-winged teal A. discors during the breeding season
JT Lokemoen, DH Johnson, DE Sharp
Wildfowl 41 (41), 122-132, 1990
Status and harvests of sandhill cranes: mid-continent, Rocky Mountain, and lower Colorado River Valley populations
KL Kruse, DE Sharp, JA Dubovsky
Administrative Report. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2008
Central Flyway harvest and population survey data book
KL Kruse, DE Sharp
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Denver …, 2012
Status and harvests of the Mid-Continent and Rocky Mountain Populations of sandhill cranes
DE Sharp, JA Dubovsky, KL Kruse
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2002
Duck harvests and proximate factors influencing hunting activity and success during the period of stabilized regulations
RE Trost, DE Sharp, ST Kelly, FD Caswell
Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference …, 1987
Summary of sandhill crane hunting seasons in North Dakota, 1968-94
DE Sharp, JE Cornely
Central Flyway-harvest and population survey data book
DE Sharp, TJ Moser
US Fish Wildl. Serv., Office Migr. Bird Manage., Denver, CO, 1995
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