Ulla Hytti
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
What is “enterprise education”? An analysis of the objectives and methods of enterprise education programmes in four European countries
U Hytti, C O’Gorman
Education+ Training 46 (1), 11-23, 2004
Gender and innovation: state of the art and a research agenda
G Agnete Alsos, E Ljunggren, U Hytti
International Journal of gender and Entrepreneurship 5 (3), 236-256, 2013
Entrepreneurs’ social identity and the preference of causal and effectual behaviours in start-up processes
GA Alsos, TH Clausen, U Hytti, S Solvoll
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 28 (3-4), 234-258, 2016
New meanings for entrepreneurs: from risk-taking heroes to safe-seeking professionals
U Hytti
Journal of Organizational Change Management 18 (6), 594-611, 2005
Perceived learning outcomes in entrepreneurship education: The impact of student motivation and team behaviour
U Hytti, P Stenholm, J Heinonen, J Seikkula-Leino
Education+ Training 52 (8/9), 587-606, 2010
Entrepreneurial Identity: A Review & Research Agenda
M Radu-Lefebvre, V Lefebvre, E Crosina, U Hytti
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice https://doi.org/10.1177/10422587211013795, 2021
Navigating the family business: A gendered analysis of identity construction of daughters
U Hytti, GA Alsos, J Heinonen, E Ljunggren
International Small Business Journal 35 (6), 665-686, 2017
Back to basics: the role of teaching in developing the entrepreneurial university
J Heinonen, U Hytti
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 11 (4), 283-292, 2010
Stories of entrepreneurs: Narrative construction of identities
U Hytti
Turun kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja A 1: 2003, 2003
The role of creativity in opportunity search and business idea creation
J Heinonen, U Hytti, P Stenholm
Education+ Training 53 (8/9), 659-672, 2011
Stakeholder theory approach to technology incubators
G Agnete Alsos, U Hytti, E Ljunggren
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 17 (6), 607-625, 2011
Heroic and humane entrepreneurs: identity work in entrepreneurship education
U Hytti, J Heinonen
Education+ Training 55 (8/9), 886-898, 2013
In search of legitimacy under institutional pressures: A case study of producer and entrepreneur farmer identities
P Stenholm, U Hytti
Journal of Rural Studies 35, 133-142, 2014
Determinants of job satisfaction for salaried and self-employed professionals in Finland
U Hytti, T Kautonen, E Akola
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (10), 2034-2053, 2013
Evaluating and measuring entrepreneurship and enterprise education: Methods, tools and practices
U Hytti, P Kuopusjärvi
Small Business Inst., 2004
Contextualizing entrepreneurship in the boundaryless career
U Hytti
Gender in Management: An International Journal 25 (1), 64-81, 2010
Job satisfaction and retirement age intentions in Finland: Self-employed versus salary earners
T Kautonen, U Hytti, D Bögenhold, J Heinonen
International Journal of Manpower 33 (4), 424-440, 2012
Focusing on dilemmas challenging reputation management in higher education
K Suomi, P Kuoppakangas, U Hytti, C Hampden-Turner, J Kangaslahti
International Journal of Educational Management 28 (4), 461-478, 2014
Which firms benefit most from the incubators?
U Hytti, K Maki
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and innovation management 7 (6 …, 2007
Enterprise education in different cultural settings and at different school levels
U Hytti
The dynamics between entrepreneurship, environment and education, 131-148, 2008
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