Kun Xu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The media inequality: Comparing the initial human-human and human-AI social interactions
Y Mou, K Xu
Computers in Human Behavior 72, 432-440, 2017
My teacher is a machine: Understanding students’ perceptions of AI teaching assistants in online education
J Kim, K Merrill, K Xu, DD Sellnow
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 36 (20), 1902-1911, 2020
Binge-watching motivates change: Uses and gratifications of streaming video viewers challenge traditional TV research
E Steiner, K Xu
Convergence 26 (1), 82-101, 2020
Social responses to media technologies in the 21st century: The media are social actors paradigm
M Lombard, K Xu
Human-Machine Communication 2, 29-55, 2021
Persuasive computing: Feeling peer pressure from multiple computer agents
K Xu, M Lombard
Computers in Human Behavior 74, 152-162, 2017
First encounter with robot Alpha: How individual differences interact with vocal and kinetic cues in users’ social responses
K Xu
new media & society 21 (11-12), 2522-2547, 2019
Investigating American and Chinese Subjects’ explicit and implicit perceptions of AI-Generated artistic work
Y Wu, Y Mou, Z Li, K Xu
Computers in Human Behavior 104, 106186, 2020
A Systematic Review of the Personality of Robot: Mapping Its Conceptualization, Operationalization, Contextualization and Effects
Y Mou, C Shi, T Shen, K Xu
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 36 (6), 591-605, 2020
Perceived credibility of an AI instructor in online education: The role of social presence and voice features
J Kim, K Merrill Jr, K Xu, S Kelly
Computers in Human Behavior 136, 107383, 2022
Deep mind in social responses to technologies: A new approach to explaining the Computers are Social Actors phenomena
K Xu, X Chen, L Huang
Computers in Human Behavior 134, 107321, 2022
I like my relational machine teacher: An AI instructor’s communication styles and social presence in online education
J Kim, K Merrill Jr, K Xu, DD Sellnow
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 37 (18), 1760-1770, 2021
Explicating cues: A typology for understanding emerging media technologies
K Xu, T Liao
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 25 (1), 32-43, 2020
Unpacking the black box: Examining the (de) Gender categorization effect in human-machine communication
Y Mou, K Xu, K Xia
Computers in Human Behavior 90, 380-387, 2019
Using Machine Learning to Learn Machines: A Cross-Cultural Study of Users’ Responses to Machine-Generated Artworks
K Xu, F Liu, Y Mou, Y Wu, J Zeng, MS Schäfer
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 64 (4), 566-591, 2020
Language, modality, and mobile media use experiences: Social responses to smartphone cues in a task-oriented context
K Xu
Telematics and Informatics 48, 101344, 2020
Man vs. machine: Human responses to an AI newscaster and the role of social presence
J Kim, K Xu, K Merrill Jr
The Social Science Journal, 1-13, 2022
Being Addicted to Chinese Twitter: Exploring the Roles of Users' Expected Outcomes and Deficient Self-regulation in Social Network Service Addiction.
K Xu, M Lin, P Haridakis
China Media Research 11 (2), 2015
Embracing AI-based education: Perceived social presence of human teachers and expectations about machine teachers in online education
J Kim, K Merrill, X Kun, DD Sellnow
Human-Machine Communication 4, 169-184, 2022
Smart Speakers Require Smart Management: Two Routes From User Gratifications to Privacy Settings
K Xu, S Chan-Olmsted, F Liu
International Journal of Communication 16, 23, 2022
Painting Chinese mythology: Varying touches on the magazine covers of Time, The Economist, Der Spiegel, and China Today
K Xu
International Communication Gazette 80 (2), 135-157, 2018
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