Acting as accountable authors: Creating interactional spaces for agency work in teacher education L Lipponen, K Kumpulainen Teaching and teacher education 27 (5), 812-819, 2011 | 592 | 2011 |
Classroom interactions and social learning: From theory to practice K Kumpulainen, D Wray Routledge, 2003 | 498 | 2003 |
The situated dynamics of peer group interaction: An introduction to an analytic framework K Kumpulainen, M Mutanen Learning and instruction 9 (5), 449-473, 1999 | 319 | 1999 |
Lapsuuden oppimisympäristöt-Eheä polku varhaiskasvatuksesta kouluun EL Kronqvist, K Kumpulainen WSOYpro, 2011 | 249 | 2011 |
Oppimisen sillat K Kumpulainen, L Krokfors, L Lipponen, V Tissari, J Hilppö, A Rajala Kohti osallistavia oppimisympäristöjä. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 2010 | 214 | 2010 |
Positiivisen pedagogiikan jäljillä K Kumpulainen, A Mikkola, A Rajala, J Hilppö, L Lipponen Positiivisen psykologian voima, 224-242, 2014 | 210 | 2014 |
Building on the positive in children's lives: a co-participatory study on the social construction of children's sense of agency K Kumpulainen, L Lipponen, J Hilppö, A Mikkola Early child development and care 184 (2), 211-229, 2014 | 201 | 2014 |
Collaborative inquiry and the construction of explanations in the learning of science S Kaartinen, K Kumpulainen Learning and Instruction 12 (2), 189-212, 2002 | 178 | 2002 |
What is connected learning and how to research it? K Kumpulainen, J Sefton-Green Deakin University, 2014 | 161 | 2014 |
Tulevaisuuden fyysinen oppimisympäristö. Käyttäjälähtöinen muunneltava ja joustava opetustila M Kuuskorpi Turku. Turun yliopisto, 2012 | 156 | 2012 |
Participants’ perceptions of learning and networking in connectivist MOOCs [Massive Open Online Courses] M Saadatmand, K Kumpulainen Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 10 (1), 16-30, 2014 | 147 | 2014 |
Productive interaction as agentic participation in dialogic enquiry KINA KUMPULAINEN, LLI PPONEN Educational dialogues, 60-75, 2010 | 145 | 2010 |
The social construction of participation in an elementary classroom community M Kovalainen, K Kumpulainen International Journal of Educational Research 46 (3-4), 141-158, 2007 | 129 | 2007 |
The discursive practice of participation in an elementary classroom community M Kovalainen, K Kumpulainen Instructional Science 33, 213-250, 2005 | 127 | 2005 |
Young children’s digital literacy practices in the sociocultural contexts of their homes K Kumpulainen, H Sairanen, A Nordström Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 20 (3), 472-499, 2020 | 121 | 2020 |
Agency in the making: Analyzing students’ transformative agency in a school-based makerspace A Kajamaa, K Kumpulainen Mind, Culture, and Activity 26 (3), 266-281, 2019 | 118 | 2019 |
Makerspaces in the early years: A literature review J Marsh, K Kumpulainen, B Nisha, A Velicu, A Blum-Ross, D Hyatt, ... University of Sheffield, 2017 | 115 | 2017 |
Young children’s digital literacy practices in the home: A review of the literature K Kumpulainen, J Gillen University of Sheffield, 2017 | 113* | 2017 |
Learning Bridges K Kumpulainen, L Krokfors, L Lipponen, V Tissari, J Hilppö, A Rajala | 112 | 2009 |
Cultures of learning K Kumpulainen, P Renshaw International Journal of Educational Research 46 (3-4), 109-115, 2007 | 112 | 2007 |