Gender differences in spatial orientation: A review E Coluccia, G Louse Journal of environmental psychology 24 (3), 329-340, 2004 | 711 | 2004 |
The relationship between map drawing and spatial orientation abilities: A study of gender differences E Coluccia, G Iosue, MA Brandimonte Journal of Environmental Psychology 27 (2), 135-144, 2007 | 131 | 2007 |
The role of visuo-spatial working memory in map learning: New findings from a map drawing paradigm E Coluccia, A Bosco, MA Brandimonte Psychological research 71 (3), 359-372, 2007 | 112 | 2007 |
To do or not to do? Prospective memory versus response inhibition in autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder MA Brandimonte, P Filippello, E Coluccia, M Altgassen, M Kliegel Memory 19 (1), 56-66, 2011 | 72 | 2011 |
Normative data for the Pyramids and Palm Trees Test in the elderly Italian population N Gamboz, E Coluccia, A Iavarone, MA Brandimonte Neurological sciences 30, 453-458, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
Dissociating veridicality, consistency, and confidence in autobiographical and event memories for the Columbia shuttle disaster E Coluccia, C Bianco, MA Brandimonte Memory 14 (4), 452-470, 2006 | 67 | 2006 |
Learning from maps: the role of visuo‐spatial working memory E Coluccia Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2008 | 47 | 2008 |
Centred egocentric, decentred egocentric, and allocentric spatial representations in the peripersonal space of congenital total blindness E Coluccia, IC Mammarella, C Cornoldi Perception 38 (5), 679-693, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Autobiographical and event memories for surprising and unsurprising events E Coluccia, C Bianco, MA Brandimonte Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Remembering object position in the absence of vision: egocentric, allocentric, and egocentric decentred frames of reference E Coluccia, IC Mammarella, R De Beni, M Ittyerah, C Cornoldi Perception 36 (6), 850-864, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Il ruolo della memoria di lavoro visuo-spaziale nell'orientamento geografico: uno studio correlazionale E Coluccia, A Martello Giornale italiano di psicologia 31 (3), 523-552, 2004 | 17 | 2004 |
When the mind “flies”: The effects of mind-wandering on driving E Bencich, N Gamboz, E Coluccia, MA Brandimonte EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Assessing age differences in spatial orientation tasks following map study A Bosco, E Coluccia Imagination, Cognition and Personality 23 (2), 233-240, 2003 | 10 | 2003 |
Normative data for a battery of free recall, cued recall and recognition tests in the elderly Italian population E Coluccia, N Gamboz, MA Brandimonte Neurological Sciences 32, 1103-1114, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |
The Role of Visuo-Spatial Working Memory in Map Learning E Coluccia LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010 | 4* | 2010 |
Flashbulb memories, event memories e ricordi episodici comuni: un'analisi delle misure di vividness e fiducia E Coluccia, C Bianco, MA Brandimonte Giornale italiano di psicologia 35 (3), 701-714, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
Mnemotecniche a confronto. Valutazione dell'efficacia su una lista di parole E Coluccia, A Santoro Gruppo editoriale Tab srl, 2024 | | 2024 |
Determinants of environmental risk perception in adolescents. N Gamboz, E Coluccia, L Drammis, MA Neroni, MA Brandimonte, L Cori, ... EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015 | | 2015 |
EFFETTI DEL CARICO COGNITIVO E DELLE DIFFERENZE INDIVIDUALI NEL COMPORTAMENTO DI GUIDA E Coluccia, N Gamboz, M Brandimonte XIX Congresso AIP sperimentale-Roma, 16-18–September 2013., 2013 | | 2013 |
Gender Differences in Environmental Learning E Coluccia Environmental Psychology: New Developments, 127-158, 2010 | | 2010 |