Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Associate Professor, Graz University of Technology
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Finding traces of self-regulated learning in activity streams
A Cicchinelli, E Veas, A Pardo, V Pammer-Schindler, A Fessl, C Barreiros, ...
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
Automatic image annotation using visual content and folksonomies
S Lindstaedt, R Mörzinger, R Sorschag, V Pammer, G Thallinger
Multimedia Tools and Applications 42, 97-113, 2009
Moki: The enterprise modelling wiki
C Ghidini, B Kump, S Lindstaedt, N Mahbub, V Pammer, M Rospocher, ...
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 6th European Semantic Web …, 2009
A sliding window approach to natural hand gesture recognition using a custom data glove
G Luzhnica, J Simon, E Lex, V Pammer
2016 IEEE symposium on 3d user interfaces (3DUI), 81-90, 2016
Introducing mood self-tracking at work: Empirical insights from call centers
V Rivera-Pelayo, A Fessl, L Müller, V Pammer
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 24 (1), 1-28, 2017
Understanding and supporting reflective learning processes in the workplace: The csrl model
BR Krogstie, M Prilla, V Pammer
European conference on technology enhanced learning, 151-164, 2013
Skin reading: Encoding text in a 6-channel haptic display
G Luzhnica, E Veas, V Pammer
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM international symposium on wearable computers …, 2016
Supporting Data-Driven Business Model Innovations: A structured literature review on tools and methods
M Fruhwirth, C Ropposch, V Pammer-Schindler
Journal of Business Models 8 (1), 7-25, 2020
Fostering collaborative redesign of work practice: Challenges for tools supporting reflection at work
M Prilla, V Pammer, B Krogstie
ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer …, 2013
A low complexity suboptimal MIMO receiver: The combined ZF-MLD algorithm
V Pammer, Y Delignon, W Sawaya, D Boulinguez
14th IEEE Proceedings on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications …, 2003
Mood tracking in virtual meetings
A Fessl, V Rivera-Pelayo, V Pammer, S Braun
21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills: 7th European Conference of …, 2012
Recommending tags for pictures based on text, visual content and user context
S Lindstaedt, V Pammer, R Mörzinger, R Kern, H Mülner, C Wagner
2008 Third International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2008
An Open Labelled Dataset for Mobile Phone Sensing Based Fall Detection
A Wertner, P Czech, V Pammer
12th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2015
Computer support for reflective learning in the workplace: A model
BR Krogstie, M Prilla, D Wessel, K Knipfer, V Pammer
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2012
In-App Reflection Guidance: Lessons Learned Across Four Field Trials at the Workplace
A Fessl, G Wesiak, V Rivera-Pélayo, S Feyertag, V Pammer
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 10 (4), 488-501, 2017
Computer-supported reflective learning: how apps can foster reflection at work
B Renner, G Wesiak, V Pammer-Schindler, M Prilla, L Müller, D Morosini, ...
Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (2), 167-187, 2019
The known universe of reflection guidance: a literature review
A Fessl, O Blunk, M Prilla, V Pammer
International journal of technology enhanced learning 9 (2-3), 103-125, 2017
Surprise, surprise: activity log based time analytics for time management
V Pammer, M Bratic
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 211-216, 2013
Personalising vibrotactile displays through perceptual sensitivity adjustment
G Luzhnica, S Stein, E Veas, V Pammer, J Williamson, RM Smith
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 66-73, 2017
Collaborative enterprise integrated modelling
M Rospocher, C Ghidini, L Serafini, B Kump, V Pammer, Lindstaedt, ...
SWAP2008 - 5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives 426, 2008
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