Сергей Владимирович Феськов (Serguei V. Feskov)
Сергей Владимирович Феськов (Serguei V. Feskov)
Volgograd State University (Волгоградский государственный университет)
E-mail megerősítve itt: volsu.ru - Kezdőlap
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Effect of the excitation pulse carrier frequency on the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of donor-acceptor complexes: stochastic simulations and experiments
RG Fedunov, SV Feskov, AI Ivanov, O Nicolet, S Pages, E Vauthey
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (8), 3643-3656, 2004
Solvent and Spectral Effects in the Ultrafast Charge Recombination Dynamics of Excited Donor− Acceptor Complexes
SV Feskov, VN Ionkin, AI Ivanov, H Hagemann, E Vauthey
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (4), 594-601, 2008
Effect of high-frequency modes and hot transitions on free energy gap dependence of charge recombination rate
SV Feskov, VN Ionkin, AI Ivanov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110 (43), 11919-11925, 2006
Hot recombination of photogenerated ion pairs
V Gladkikh, AI Burshtein, SV Feskov, AI Ivanov, E Vauthey
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (24), 2005
Non-equilibrium effects in ultrafast photoinduced charge transfer kinetics
SV Feskov, VA Mikhailova, AI Ivanov
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 29, 48-72, 2016
Kinetics of Nonequilibrium Electron Transfer in Photoexcited Ruthenium (II)− Cobalt (III) Complexes
SV Feskov, AO Kichigina, AI Ivanov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (9), 1462-1471, 2011
Acceleration of the Recombination of Photoexcited Donor—Acceptor Complexes with a High-Frequency Vibrational Mode
AI Ivanov, VN Ionkin, SV Fes’ kov
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Focus on Chemistry 82, 303-309, 2008
Efficiency of intramolecular charge separation from the second excited state: suppression of the hot charge recombination by electron transfer to the secondary acceptor
SV Feskov, AI Ivanov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (45), 11479-11489, 2013
Magnetic field effect on ion pair dynamics upon bimolecular photoinduced electron transfer in solution
SV Feskov, MV Rogozina, AI Ivanov, A Aster, M Koch, E Vauthey
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (2), 2019
Double-channel photoionization followed by geminate charge recombination/separation
SV Feskov, AI Burshtein
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (48), 13528-13540, 2009
Integral encounter theory of strong electron transfer
SV Feskov, AI Ivanov, AI Burshtein
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (12), 2005
Solvent-assisted multistage nonequilibrium electron transfer in rigid supramolecular systems: Diabatic free energy surfaces and algorithms for numerical simulations
SV Feskov, AI Ivanov
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (10), 2018
Ускорение рекомбинации фотовозбужденных донорно-акцепторных комплексов высокочастотной колебательной модой
АИ Иванов, ВН Ионкин, СВ Феськов
Журнал физической химии 82 (2), 374-381, 2008
Effect of geometrical parameters of dyad D–A and triad D–A1–A2 on the efficiency of ultrafast intramolecular charge separation from the second excited state
SV Feskov, AI Ivanov
Chemical Physics 478, 164-172, 2016
Метод броуновского моделирования в задачах расчета динамики электронного переноса
SV Feskov
Вычислительные методы и программирование 10, 202-210, 2009
Kinetics of non-thermal electron transfer controlled by the dynamical solvent effect
S Feskov, V Gladkikh, AI Burshtein
Chemical Physics Letters 458 (1-3), 71-75, 2008
Activationless dynamic solvent effect
S Feskov, V Gladkikh, AI Burshtein
Chemical Physics Letters 447 (1-3), 162-167, 2007
Symmetry-breaking charge transfer in an excited acridine-dione derivative: Effects of hydrogen bonding, clustering, and cooperativity in mixtures of methanol and dimethylformamide
SV Feskov, SL Bondarev, TF Raichenok, SA Tikhomirov, AI Ivanov
Journal of Molecular Liquids 385, 122386, 2023
Влияние частоты возбуждающего лазерного импульса на динамику обратного переноса электрона. Стохастическая модель
АМ Иванов, РГ Федунов, СВ Феськов
Журнал физической химии 78 (8), 1448-1455, 2004
Фотоиндуцированный перенос электрона на парамагнитный центр
АИ Иванов, ВА Михайлова, СВ Феськов
Журнал физической химии 71 (8), 1500-1504, 1997
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