Denis Filer
Denis Filer
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Hivatkozott rá
An atlas of the world's conifers: an analysis of their distribution, biogeography, diversity and conservation status
A Farjon, D Filer
Brill, 2013
Widespread mistaken identity in tropical plant collections
ZA Goodwin, DJ Harris, D Filer, JRI Wood, RW Scotland
Current biology 25 (22), R1066-R1067, 2015
A taxonomic monograph of Ipomoea integrated across phylogenetic scales
P Muñoz-Rodríguez, T Carruthers, JRI Wood, BRM Williams, K Weitemier, ...
Nature plants 5 (11), 1136-1144, 2019
Serendipitous backyard hybridization and the origin of crops
CE Hughes, R Govindarajulu, A Robertson, DL Filer, SA Harris, CD Bailey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (36), 14389-14394, 2007
Acacia karroo: monograph and annotated bibliography.
RD Barnes, DL Filer, SJ Milton
An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘hotspots’
YS Baksh-Comeau, SS Maharaj, CD Adams, SA Harris, DL Filer, ...
Phytotaxa 250 (1), 1–431-1–431, 2016
Accumulation over evolutionary time as a major cause of biodiversity hotspots in conifers
M Sundaram, MJ Donoghue, A Farjon, D Filer, S Mathews, W Jetz, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1912), 20191887, 2019
How long does it take to discover a species?
ZA Goodwin, P Muñoz-Rodríguez, DJ Harris, T Wells, JRI Wood, D Filer, ...
Systematics and Biodiversity 18 (8), 784-793, 2020
II. Taxonomy in the Electronic Age: An e-Monograph of the Papaya Family (Caricaceae) as an Example §
F Antunes Carvalho, F Antunes Carvalho, D Filer, SS Renner
Molecular Phylogeny, Biogeography and an e-Monograph of the Papaya Family …, 2015
Producing a plant diversity portal for South Africa
MM Le Roux, P Wilkin, K Balkwill, JS Boatwright, B Bytebier, D Filer, ...
Taxon 66 (2), 421-431, 2017
Phenological Predictability Index in BRAHMS: a tool for herbarium‐based phenological studies
CEB Proença, DL Filer, E Lenza, JS Silva, SA Harris
Ecography 35 (4), 289-293, 2012
BRAHMS—Botanical research and herbarium management system
DL Filer
BioNET News 8, 6-7, 2001
Creating an online world Flora by 2020: a perspective from South Africa
JE Victor, GF Smith, NJ Turland, M Le Roux, A Paton, E Figueiredo, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 251-263, 2014
Base de dados do Herbário IAN da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental.
HJR Souza, RCV Martins-Da-Silva, DL Filer, SR Xavier Junior, ...
Tree data management, mapping, and the development of the TREMA software
WD Hawthorne, DL Filer, DJ Turnbull
The International Forestry Review, 87-96, 1999
Europe and the Mediterranean
A Farjon, D Filer
An Atlas of the World’s Conifers: An Analysis of Their Distribution …, 2013
Brahms botanical research and herbarium management system. a pocket introduction and demonstration guide
DL Filer
Informatização dos herbários amazônicos: gerenciamento, integração e utilização da informação.
RS SECCO, RCV Martins-da-Silva, CAC Ferreira, R Sarquis, D Filer, ...
Global and Trans-Continental Distributions
A Farjon, D Filer
An Atlas of the World’s Conifers, 11-33, 2013
Computerisation of the East African Herbarium: development of a regional plant information service
TR Pearce, D Filer, E Vanden Berghe
The Biodiversity of African Plants: Proceedings XIVth AETFAT Congress 22–27 …, 1996
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