Plio-Pleistocene climate sensitivity evaluated using high-resolution CO2 records MA Martínez-Botí, GL Foster, TB Chalk, EJ Rohling, PF Sexton, DJ Lunt, ... Nature 518 (7537), 49-54, 2015 | 422 | 2015 |
Very large release of mostly volcanic carbon during the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum M Gutjahr, A Ridgwell, PF Sexton, E Anagnostou, PN Pearson, H Pälike, ... Nature 548 (7669), 573-577, 2017 | 378 | 2017 |
Eocene global warming events driven by ventilation of oceanic dissolved organic carbon PF Sexton, RD Norris, PA Wilson, H Pälike, T Westerhold, U Röhl, ... Nature 471 (7338), 349-352, 2011 | 301 | 2011 |
Microstructural and geochemical perspectives on planktic foraminiferal preservation:“Glassy” versus “Frosty” PF Sexton, PA Wilson, PN Pearson Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (12), 2006 | 296 | 2006 |
Causes of ice age intensification across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition TB Chalk, MP Hain, GL Foster, EJ Rohling, PF Sexton, MPS Badger, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (50), 13114-13119, 2017 | 258 | 2017 |
On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary PM Hull, A Bornemann, DE Penman, MJ Henehan, RD Norris, PA Wilson, ... Science 367 (6475), 266-272, 2020 | 257 | 2020 |
No extreme bipolar glaciation during the main Eocene calcite compensation shift KM Edgar, PA Wilson, PF Sexton, Y Suganuma Nature 448 (7156), 908-911, 2007 | 133 | 2007 |
Testing the Cenozoic multisite composite δ18O and δ13C curves: New monospecific Eocene records from a single locality, Demerara Rise (Ocean Drilling … PF Sexton, PA Wilson, RD Norris Paleoceanography 21 (2), 2006 | 132 | 2006 |
New biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic and isotopic insights into the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in low latitudes KM Edgar, PA Wilson, PF Sexton, SJ Gibbs, AP Roberts, RD Norris Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297 (3-4), 670-682, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
Persistence of carbon release events through the peak of early Eocene global warmth S Kirtland Turner, PF Sexton, CD Charles, RD Norris Nature Geoscience 7 (10), 748-751, 2014 | 130 | 2014 |
Proxy evidence for state-dependence of climate sensitivity in the Eocene greenhouse E Anagnostou, EH John, TL Babila, PF Sexton, A Ridgwell, DJ Lunt, ... Nature communications 11 (1), 4436, 2020 | 120 | 2020 |
An abyssal carbonate compensation depth overshoot in the aftermath of the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum DE Penman, SK Turner, PF Sexton, RD Norris, AJ Dickson, S Boulila, ... Nature Geoscience 9 (8), 575-580, 2016 | 104 | 2016 |
Symbiont ‘bleaching’in planktic foraminifera during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum KM Edgar, SM Bohaty, SJ Gibbs, PF Sexton, RD Norris, PA Wilson Geology 41 (1), 15-18, 2013 | 84 | 2013 |
Iterative evolution of digitate planktonic foraminifera HK Coxall, PN Pearson, PA Wilson, PF Sexton Paleobiology 33 (4), 495-516, 2007 | 84 | 2007 |
Onset of North Atlantic Deep Water production coincident with inception of the Cenozoic global cooling trend MW Hohbein, PF Sexton, JA Cartwright Geology 40 (3), 255-258, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
Cenozoic North Atlantic deep circulation history recorded in contourite drifts, offshore Newfoundland, Canada PR Boyle, BW Romans, BE Tucholke, RD Norris, SA Swift, PF Sexton Marine Geology 385, 185-203, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
Onset of ‘Pacific-style’deep-sea sedimentary carbonate cycles at the mid-Pleistocene transition PF Sexton, S Barker Earth and Planetary Science Letters 321, 81-94, 2012 | 79 | 2012 |
Towards a robust and consistent middle Eocene astronomical timescale S Boulila, M Vahlenkamp, D De Vleeschouwer, J Laskar, Y Yamamoto, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 486, 94-107, 2018 | 76 | 2018 |
Cenozoic evolution of deep ocean temperature from clumped isotope thermometry AN Meckler, PF Sexton, AM Piasecki, TJ Leutert, J Marquardt, M Ziegler, ... Science 377 (6601), 86-90, 2022 | 71 | 2022 |
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports. Vol. 207. Demerera Rise: equatorial Cretaceous and Paleogene paleoceanographic transect, Western Australia. Covering … J Erbacher, DC Mosher, MJ Malone, P Sexton, PA Wilson Texas A & M University Ocean Drilling Program, 2004 | 68 | 2004 |