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2013 Gap-like feature in the normal state of X (Fe {sub 1-x} Co {sub x}){sub 2} As {sub 2}, X= Ba, Sr and Fe {sub 1+ y} Te revealed by Point Contact Spectroscopy HZ Arham, CR Hunt, WK Park, LH Greene, J Gillett, SD Das, ...
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2012 Enhanced conductance in the normal state of Fe pnictides & chalcogenides measured by quasiparticle scattering spectroscopy (QPS): evidence of orbital fluctuations H Arham, CR Hunt, WK Park, LH Greene, J Gillett, SD Das, SE Sebastian, ...
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2012 Gap-like feature in the normal state of , and revealed by Point Contact Spectroscopy HZ Arham, CR Hunt, WK Park, J Gillett, SD Das, SE Sebastian, ZJ Xu, ...
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2011 Gap-like feature in the normal state of X (Fe1− x Cox) 2As2, X= Ba, Sr and Fe1 revealed by Point Contact Spectroscopy HZ Arham, CR Hunt, WK Park, J Gillett, SD Das, SE Sebastian, ZJ Xu, ...
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2011 Point contact spectroscopy (PCS) on the Fe122 pnictides and Fe11 chalcogenides HZ Arham, CR Hunt, WK Park, LH Greene, J Gillett, S Sebastian, ZJ Xu, ...
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2011 Superconducting gap measurements on Co-doped SrFe2As2 single crystals by point contact spectroscopy CR Hunt, HZ Arham, WK Park, LH Greene, J Gillett, S Sebastian
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