Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world PG Bain, TL Milfont, Y Kashima, M Bilewicz, G Doron, RB Garðarsdóttir, ... Nature climate change 6 (2), 154-157, 2016 | 491 | 2016 |
The Attachment Paradox T Ein-Dor, M Mikulincer, G Doron, PR Shaver Perspectives on Psychological Science 5 (2), 123, 2010 | 333 | 2010 |
Obsessive compulsive disorder: A review of possible specific internal representations within a broader cognitive theory G Doron, M Kyrios Clinical Psychology Review 25 (4), 415-432, 2005 | 294 | 2005 |
Part 1—You can run but you can't hide: Intrusive thoughts on six continents AS Radomsky, GM Alcolado, JS Abramowitz, P Alonso, A Belloch, ... Journal of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders 3 (3), 269-279, 2014 | 265 | 2014 |
Together in pain: attachment-related dyadic processes and posttraumatic stress disorder. T Ein-Dor, G Doron, Z Solomon, M Mikulincer, PR Shaver Journal of counseling psychology 57 (3), 317, 2010 | 232 | 2010 |
Childhood maltreatment, shame‐proneness and self‐criticism in social anxiety disorder: A sequential mediational model B Shahar, G Doron, O Szepsenwol Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 22 (6), 570-579, 2015 | 208 | 2015 |
Adult attachment insecurities are related to obsessive compulsive phenomena G Doron, R Moulding, M Kyrios, M Nedeljkovic, M Mikulincer Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 28 (8), 1022-1049, 2009 | 207 | 2009 |
Sensitive domains of self-concept in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): Further evidence for a multidimensional model of OCD G Doron, M Kyrios, R Moulding Journal of anxiety disorders 21 (3), 433-444, 2007 | 188 | 2007 |
Fear of self and obsessionality: Development and validation of the Fear of Self Questionnaire F Aardema, R Moulding, AS Radomsky, G Doron, J Allamby, E Souki Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2 (3), 306-315, 2013 | 172 | 2013 |
The Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ): Examination in Nonclinical Samples and Development of a Short Version R Moulding, J Anglim, M Nedeljkovic, G Doron, M Kyrios, A Ayalon Assessment 18 (3), 357-374, 2011 | 155 | 2011 |
Tainted love: Exploring relationship-centered obsessive compulsive symptoms in two non-clinical cohorts G Doron, DS Derby, O Szepsenwol, D Talmor Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 1 (1), 16-24, 2012 | 151 | 2012 |
Sensitivity of self‐beliefs in obsessive compulsive disorder G Doron, R Moulding, M Kyrios, M Nedeljkovic Depression and anxiety 25 (10), 874-884, 2008 | 136 | 2008 |
Relationship obsessive compulsive disorder (ROCD): A conceptual framework G Doron, DS Derby, O Szepsenwol Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 3 (2), 169-180, 2014 | 135 | 2014 |
Adult attachment insecurities are associated with obsessive compulsive disorder G Doron, R Moulding, M Nedeljkovic, M Kyrios, M Mikulincer, D Sar‐El Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 2011 | 127 | 2011 |
Flaws and all: Exploring partner-focused obsessive-compulsive symptoms G Doron, DS Derby, O Szepsenwol, D Talmor Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 1 (4), 234-243, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
On the relation between social dominance orientation and environmentalism: A 25-nation study TL Milfont, PG Bain, Y Kashima, V Corral-Verdugo, C Pasquali, ... Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (7), 802-814, 2018 | 119 | 2018 |
Obsessing about intimate-relationships: Testing the double relationship-vulnerability hypothesis G Doron, O Szepsenwol, E Karp, N Gal Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 44 (4), 433-440, 2013 | 112 | 2013 |
Threats to moral self-perceptions trigger obsessive compulsive contamination-related behavioral tendencies G Doron, D Sar-El, M Mikulincer Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 43 (3), 884-890, 2012 | 112 | 2012 |
Differences in neuropsychological performance between subtypes of obsessive–compulsive disorder M Nedeljkovic, M Kyrios, R Moulding, G Doron, K Wainwright, C Pantelis, ... Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 43 (3), 216-226, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
The relationship of cognitive confidence to OCD symptoms M Nedeljkovic, R Moulding, M Kyrios, G Doron Journal of anxiety disorders 23 (4), 463-468, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |