Independent versus nonindependent mate choice: do females copy each other? S Pruett-Jones The American Naturalist 140 (6), 1000-1009, 1992 | 345 | 1992 |
Measuring the effects of pairing success, extra‐pair copulations and mate quality on the opportunity for sexual selection MS Webster, S Pruett‐Jones, DF Westneat, SJ Arnold Evolution 49 (6), 1147-1157, 1995 | 253 | 1995 |
Sex ratio and habitat limitation promote delayed dispersal in superb fairy-wrens SG Pruett-Jones, MJ Lewis Nature 348 (6301), 541-542, 1990 | 231 | 1990 |
Female copying increases the variance in male mating success. MJ Wade, SG Pruett-Jones Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (15), 5749-5753, 1990 | 191 | 1990 |
Diseases and disorders of finfish in cage culture P Woo, D Bruno CABI, 2014 | 174 | 2014 |
Promiscuity drives sexual selection in a socially monogamous bird MS Webster, KA Tarvin, EM Tuttle, S Pruett-Jones Evolution 61 (9), 2205-2211, 2007 | 132 | 2007 |
SEXUAL SELECTION THROUGH FEMALE CHOICE IN LAWES'PAROTIA, A LEK‐MATING BIRD OF PARADISE SG Pruett‐Jones, MA Pruett‐Jones Evolution 44 (3), 486-501, 1990 | 131 | 1990 |
Patterns of flock size, diet, and vigilance of naturalized Monk Parakeets in Hyde Park, Chicago JM South, S Pruett-Jones The Condor 102 (4), 848-854, 2000 | 124 | 2000 |
Species richness covaries with mating system in birds S Mitra, H Landel, S Pruett-Jones The Auk 113 (3), 544-551, 1996 | 121 | 1996 |
Exponential population growth of Monk Parakeets in the United States S Van Bael, S Pruett-Jones The Wilson Bulletin, 584-588, 1996 | 120 | 1996 |
Reproductive promiscuity in the splendid fairy-wren: effects of group size and auxiliary reproduction MS Webster, KA Tarvin, EM Tuttle, S Pruett-Jones Behavioral Ecology 15 (6), 907-915, 2004 | 113 | 2004 |
Genetic similarity of social mates predicts the level of extrapair paternity in splendid fairy-wrens KA Tarvin, MS Webster, EM Tuttle, S Pruett-Jones Animal Behaviour 70 (4), 945-955, 2005 | 106 | 2005 |
Sperm competition selects for sperm quantity and quality in the Australian Maluridae M Rowe, S Pruett-Jones PLoS one 6 (1), e15720, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
Cloacal protuberances and extreme sperm production in Australian fairy-wrens EM Tuttle, S Pruett-Jones, MS Webster Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1996 | 96 | 1996 |
Display dispersion and diet of birds of paradise: a comparison of nine species B Beehler, SG Pruett-Jones Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 13, 229-238, 1983 | 90 | 1983 |
Monk parakeet management at electric utility facilities in south Florida ML Avery, EC Greiner, JR Lindsay, JR Newman, S Pruett-Jones Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 20 (20), 2002 | 87 | 2002 |
The evolution of bower‐building and the assessment of male quality G Borgia, SG Pruett‐Jones, MA Pruett‐Jones Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 67 (1‐4), 225-236, 1985 | 87 | 1985 |
Natural history of the monk parakeet in Hyde Park, Chicago J Hyman, S Pruett-Jones The Wilson Bulletin, 510-517, 1995 | 80 | 1995 |
Multiple shifts between violet and ultraviolet vision in a family of passerine birds with associated changes in plumage coloration A Ödeen, S Pruett-Jones, AC Driskell, JK Armenta, O Håstad Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1732), 1269-1276, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
Avian chemical defense JP Dumbacher, S Pruett-Jones Current ornithology, 137-174, 1996 | 75 | 1996 |