Structural equation modeling with LISREL: Essentials and advances LA Hayduk Jhu Press, 1987 | 4530 | 1987 |
LISREL issues, debates and strategies LA Hayduk JHU Press, 1996 | 724 | 1996 |
Personal space: Where we now stand. LA Hayduk Psychological bulletin 94 (2), 293, 1983 | 708 | 1983 |
Testing! testing! one, two, three–Testing the theory in structural equation models! L Hayduk, G Cummings, K Boadu, H Pazderka-Robinson, S Boulianne Personality and Individual Differences 42 (5), 841-850, 2007 | 602 | 2007 |
Should researchers use single indicators, best indicators, or multiple indicators in structural equation models? LA Hayduk, L Littvay BMC medical research methodology 12, 1-17, 2012 | 570 | 2012 |
Lasting effects of elementary school DR Entwisle, LA Hayduk Sociology of education, 147-159, 1988 | 449 | 1988 |
Personal space: An evaluative and orienting overview. LA Hayduk Psychological bulletin 85 (1), 117, 1978 | 439 | 1978 |
Influence of organizational characteristics and context on research utilization GG Cummings, CA Estabrooks, WK Midodzi, L Wallin, L Hayduk Nursing research 56 (4), S24-S39, 2007 | 430 | 2007 |
Mitigating the impact of hospital restructuring on nurses: the responsibility of emotionally intelligent leadership G Cummings, L Hayduk, C Estabrooks Nursing research 54 (1), 2-12, 2005 | 372 | 2005 |
Too great expectations: The academic outlook of young children DR Entwisle, LA Hayduk (No Title), 1978 | 290 | 1978 |
Jiving the four-step, waltzing around factor analysis, and other serious fun LA Hayduk, DN Glaser Structural Equation Modeling 7 (1), 1-35, 2000 | 285 | 2000 |
Early schooling: Cognitive and affective outcomes. DR Entwisle, LA Hayduk The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 21218, 1982 | 245 | 1982 |
The relationship between nursing leadership and nurses' job satisfaction in Canadian oncology work environments GG Cummings, K Olson, L Hayduk, D Bakker, M Fitch, E Green, L Butler, ... Journal of nursing management 16 (5), 508-518, 2008 | 212 | 2008 |
Does personality moderate the theory of planned behavior in the exercise domain? RE Rhodes, KS Courneya, LA Hayduk Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 24 (2), 120-132, 2002 | 198 | 2002 |
An exploration of Pender's health promotion model using LISREL JL Johnson, PA Ratner, JL Bottorff, LA Hayduk Nursing Research 42 (3), 132-138, 1993 | 192 | 1993 |
The effects of cognitive-perceptual factors on health promotion behavior maintenance JL Bottorff, JL Johnson, PA Ratner, LA Hayduk Nursing research 45 (1), 30-36, 1996 | 157 | 1996 |
The shape of personal space: an experimental investigation. LA Hayduk Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 1981 | 157 | 1981 |
Academic expectations and the school attainment of young children DR Entwisle, LA Hayduk Sociology of education, 34-50, 1981 | 146 | 1981 |
Measuring quality of life TM Beckie, LA Hayduk Social Indicators Research 42, 21-39, 1997 | 133 | 1997 |
Advancing the argument for validity of the Alberta Context Tool with healthcare aides in residential long-term care CA Estabrooks, JE Squires, LA Hayduk, GG Cummings, PG Norton BMC medical research methodology 11, 1-14, 2011 | 121 | 2011 |