Failure analysis of low velocity impact on thin composite laminates: Experimental and numerical approaches V Tita, J De Carvalho, D Vandepitte Composite Structures 83 (4), 413-428, 2008 | 404 | 2008 |
Optimization of filament-wound parts based on non-geodesic winding J De Carvalho, M Lossie, D Vandepitte, H Van Brussel Composites manufacturing 6 (2), 79-84, 1995 | 100 | 1995 |
A novel multiobjective optimization algorithm based on bacterial chemotaxis MA Guzmán, A Delgado, J De Carvalho Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (3), 292-301, 2010 | 86 | 2010 |
General anaesthetic and airway management practice for obstetric surgery in England: a prospective, multicentre observational study PM Odor, S Bampoe, SR Moonesinghe, J Andrade, JJ Pandit, DN Lucas, ... Anaesthesia 76 (4), 460-471, 2021 | 66 | 2021 |
Theoretical and experimental dynamic analysis of fiber reinforced composite beams V Tita, J Carvalho, J Lirani Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 25 …, 2003 | 66 | 2003 |
A proper framework for design of aircraft production system based on lean manufacturing principles focusing to automated processes GF Barbosa, J Carvalho, EVG Filho The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 72, 1257-1273, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly methodology applied to aircrafts design and manufacturing GF Barbosa, J Carvalho IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (7), 116-121, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |
Electrodeposits of iron and nickel-iron for hydrogen evolution in alkaline solutions J De Carvalho, G Tremiliosi Filho, LA Avaca, ER Gonzalez International journal of hydrogen energy 14 (3), 161-165, 1989 | 55 | 1989 |
Processing and mechanical properties evaluation of glass fiber-reinforced PTFE laminates C Riul, V Tita, J De Carvalho, RB Canto Composites science and technology 72 (12), 1451-1458, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Incidence of accidental awareness during general anaesthesia in obstetrics: a multicentre, prospective cohort study PM Odor, S Bampoe, DN Lucas, SR Moonesinghe, J Andrade, JJ Pandit, ... Anaesthesia 76 (6), 759-776, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
A procedure to estimate the dynamic damped behavior of fiber reinforced composite beams submitted to flexural vibrations V Tita, J Carvalho, J Lirani Materials research 4, 315-321, 2001 | 37 | 2001 |
Introdução à manufatura aditiva ou impressão 3D N Volpato, J Carvalho Manufatura aditiva: tecnologias e aplicações da impressão D 3, 15-30, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Guideline tool based on design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) methodology for application on design and manufacturing of aircrafts GF Barbosa, J Carvalho Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 36 …, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Investigation of additive manufacturing surface smoothing process MWM Cunico, MM Cunico, PM Cavalheiro, J de Carvalho Rapid Prototyping Journal 23 (1), 201-208, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Analytical model for aircraft design based on Design for Excellence (DFX) concepts and use of composite material oriented to automated processes GF Barbosa, J Carvalho The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69, 2333-2342, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Additive manufacturing of metal parts by welding RJ Silva, GF Barbosa, J Carvalho IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 2318-2322, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Development and characterisation of 3D printing finishing process applying recycled plastic waste MWM Cunico, DA Kai, PM Cavalheiro, J de Carvalho Virtual and Physical Prototyping 14 (1), 37-52, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Experimental identification of the deformation mechanisms during sintering of cold compacted polytetrafluoroethylene powders RB Canto, N Schmitt, J De Carvalho, R Billardon Polymer Engineering & Science 51 (11), 2220-2235, 2011 | 26 | 2011 |
Prototipagem rápida como processo de fabricação J Carvalho, N Volpato Prototipagem rápida: tecnologias e aplicações. São Paulo: Blücher, 2007 | 26 | 2007 |
O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos H Rozenfeld, DC Amaral, JC Toledo, J Carvalho Produtos e Serviços. Encarte da Revista Produtos & Serviços: Fábrica do …, 2000 | 25 | 2000 |