Dennis Broeders
Dennis Broeders
Leiden University - Institute for Security and Global Affairs
E-mail megerősítve itt: fgga.leidenuniv.nl
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The new digital borders of Europe: EU databases and the surveillance of irregular migrants
D Broeders
International sociology 22 (1), 71-92, 2007
The fight against illegal migration: identification policies and immigrants' counterstrategies
D Broeders, G Engbersen
American Behavioral Scientist 50 (12), 1592-1609, 2007
In the name of Development: power, profit and the datafication of the global South
L Taylor, D Broeders
Geoforum 64 (August), 229-237, 2015
A case of mixed motives?: formal and informal functions of administrative immigration detention
A Leerkes, D Broeders
The British Journal of Criminology 50 (5), 830-850, 2010
The state versus the alien: Immigration control and strategies of irregular immigrants
G Engbersen, D Broeders
West European Politics 32 (5), 867-885, 2009
Dreaming of seamless borders: ICTs and the pre-emptive governance of mobility in Europe
D Broeders, J Hampshire
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39 (8), 1201-1218, 2013
Border surveillance, mobility management and the shaping of non-publics in Europe
H Dijstelbloem, D Broeders
European Journal of Social Theory 18 (1), 21-38, 2015
Breaking Down Anonymity: Digital surveillance on irregular migrants in Germany and the Netherlands
D Broeders
Amsterdam University Press, 2009
Identificatie met Nederland
Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Amsterdam University Press, 2007
The Datafication of mobility and migration management: The mediating state and its consequences
D Broeders, H Dijstelbloem
Digitizing identities, 242-260, 2015
Waarden, normen en de last van het gedrag
WR voor het Regeringsbeleid
Amsterdam University Press, 2003
Big Data and security policies: Towards a framework for regulating the phases of analytics and use of Big Data
D Broeders, E Schrijvers, B van der Sloot, R Van Brakel, J De Hoog, ...
Computer Law & Security Review 33 (3), 309-323, 2017
The Public Core of the Internet. An International Agenda for Internet Governance
D Broeders
Amsterdam University Press, 2015
Return to sender? Administrative detention of irregular migrants in Germany and the Netherlands
D Broeders
Punishment & Society 12 (2), 169-186, 2010
A European 'Border' Surveillance System under Construction
D Broeders
Migration and the Technological Borders of Europe, 40-67, 2011
Nederland als immigratiesamenleving
WR voor het Regeringsbeleid
Sdu Uitgeverij, WRR, 2001
Innocence Lost: Care and Control in Dutch Digital Youth Care
E Keymolen, D Broeders
British Journal of Social Work 43 (1), 41-63, 2013
The secret in the information society
D Broeders
Philosophy & Technology 29 (3), 293-305, 2016
In search of digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy: Normative power Europe to the test of its geopolitical ambitions
D Broeders, F Cristiano, M Kaminska
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 61 (5), 1261-1280, 2023
Van verschil naar potentieel. Een realistisch perspectief op de sociaaleconomische gezondheidsverschillen
D Broeders, D Das, R Jennisssen, W Tiemeijer, M De Visser
WRR Policy Brief, 2018
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