Christopher Starke
Christopher Starke
Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam, Humane AI
E-mail megerősítve itt: uva.nl
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Fairness perceptions of algorithmic decision-making: A systematic review of the empirical literature
C Starke, J Baleis, B Keller, F Marcinkowski
Big Data & Society 9 (2), 20539517221115189, 2022
Implications of AI (un-) fairness in higher education admissions: the effects of perceived AI (un-) fairness on exit, voice and organizational reputation
F Marcinkowski, K Kieslich, C Starke, M Lünich
Proceedings of the 2020 conference on fairness, accountability, and …, 2020
Artificial intelligence ethics by design. Evaluating public perception on the importance of ethical design principles of artificial intelligence
K Kieslich, B Keller, C Starke
Big Data & Society 9 (1), 20539517221092956, 2022
Free to Expose Corruption: The Impact of Media Freedom, Internet Access and Governmental Online Service Delivery on Corruption
C Starke, H Naab Teresa K., Scherer
International Journal of Communication 10, 4702 – 4722, 2016
Artificial intelligence for political decision-making in the European Union: Effects on citizens’ perceptions of input, throughput, and output legitimacy
C Starke, M Lünich
Data & Policy 2, e16, 2020
A social psychological view on the social norms of corruption
NC Köbis, D Iragorri-Carter, C Starke
Corruption and norms: Why informal rules matter, 31-52, 2018
The promise and perils of using artificial intelligence to fight corruption
N Köbis, C Starke, I Rahwan
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (5), 418-424, 2022
Social networking sites, personalization, and trust in government: Empirical evidence for a mediation model
C Starke, F Marcinkowski, F Wintterlin
Social Media+ Society 6 (2), 2056305120913885, 2020
Artificial Intelligence as an Anti-Corruption Tool (AI-ACT)--Potentials and Pitfalls for Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches
N Köbis, C Starke, I Rahwan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.11567, 2021
Machine learning and artificial intelligence in higher education: a state-of-the-art report on the German University landscape
B Keller, J Baleis, C Starke, F Marcinkowski
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 1-31, 2019
Who is responsible for doping in sports? The attribution of responsibility in the German print media
C Starke, F Flemming
Communication & Sport 5 (2), 245-262, 2017
Mediensystem und politische Kommunikation
F Marcinkowski, F Flemming, C Starke
Handbuch der Schweizer Politik, 435-462, 2014
Solidarity in the public sphere: A discourse network analysis of German newspapers (2008–2017)
S Wallaschek, C Starke, C Brüning
Politics and Governance 8 (2), 257-271, 2020
Trust in government: What's news media got to do with it?
F Marcinkowski, C Starke
Studies in Communication Sciences 18 (1), 87-102, 2018
Hochschule der Zukunft: Einstellungen von Studierenden gegenüber Künstlicher Intelligenz an der Hochschule
K Kieslich, M Lünich, F Marcinkowski, C Starke
Düsseldorf Institute for Internet und Democracy, 2019
Double crisis: Sport mega events and the future of public service broadcasting
M Lünich, C Starke, F Marcinkowski, P Dosenovic
Communication & Sport 9 (2), 287-307, 2021
AI-ethics by design. Evaluating Public Perception on the Importance of Ethical Design Principles of AI
K Kieslich, B Keller, C Starke
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.00326, 2021
Wann ist Künstliche Intelligenz (un-) fair?
F Marcinkowski, C Starke
Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft| Band, 269, 2019
Coping with dilemma: How German sport media users respond to sport mega events in autocratic countries
F Flemming, M Luenich, F Marcinkowski, C Starke
International Review for the Sociology of Sport 52 (8), 1008-1024, 2017
European Solidarity Under Scrutiny: Empirical Evidence for the Effects of Media Identity Framing
C Starke
Palgrave, 2021
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