C. Anton Rytting
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Segmenting words from natural speech: subsegmental variation in segmental cues
CA Rytting, C Brew, E Fosler-Lussier
Journal of Child language 37 (3), 513-543, 2010
Integrating wordnet with nl-soar
CA Rytting, D Lonsdale
WordNet and other lexical resources: Applications, extensions, and …, 2001
An iota of difference: Attitudes to jod in lexical and social contexts
CA Rytting
Journal of Greek Linguistics 6 (1), 151-185, 2005
Emotional content and sharing on Facebook: A theory cage match
SBF Paletz, MA Johns, EE Murauskaite, EM Golonka, NB Pandža, ...
Science Advances 9 (39), eade9231, 2023
Spelling correction for dialectal Arabic dictionary lookup
CA Rytting, DM Zajic, P Rodrigues, SC Wayland, C Hettick, T Buckwalter, ...
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 10 (1), 1-15, 2011
The construct of cuteness: A validity study for measuring content and evoked emotions on social media
EM Golonka, KM Jones, P Sheehan, NB Pandža, SBF Paletz, CA Rytting, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 234, 2023
Phonetic ignorance is bliss: Investigating the effects of phonetic information reduction on ASR performance
E Fosler-Lussier, CA Rytting, S Srinivasan
Ninth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2005
Typing race games as a method to create spelling error corpora
P Rodrigues, CA Rytting
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2012
The ups and downs of Vietnamese tones: A description of native speaker and adult learner tone systems for Northern and Southern Vietnamese
J Bauman, A Blodgett, C Rytting, J Shamoo
University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language, College Park, MD, 2009
An operator-based account of semantic processing
D Lonsdale, CA Rytting
An Operator-Based Account of Semantic Processing, 1000-1021, 2002
Segment predictability as a cue in word segmentation: Application to modern Greek
CA Rytting
Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in …, 2004
ArCADE: An Arabic corpus of auditory dictation errors
CA Rytting, P Rodrigues, T Buckwalter, V Novak, A Bills, NH Silbert, ...
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2014
Error correction for Arabic dictionary lookup
CA Rytting, P Rodrigues, T Buckwalter, D Zajic, B Hirsch, J Carnes, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2010
Preserving subsegmental variation in modeling word segmentation (or, the raising of Baby Mondegreen)
CA Rytting
The Ohio State University, 2007
Semantic class disambiguation in Natural Language Soar
CA Rytting
Social media emotions annotation guide (SMEmo): Development and initial validity
SBF Paletz, EM Golonka, NB Pandža, G Stanton, D Ryan, N Adams, ...
Behavior Research Methods, 1-51, 2023
Personality Trait Identification Using the Russian Feature Extraction Toolkit
JR Hull, V Novak, CA Rytting, P Rodrigues, VM Frank, M Swahn
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural …, 2021
Quality control for digitized dictionaries
P Rodrigues, D Zajic, M Maxwell, T Buckwalter, CA Rytting
prodrigues. com (). URl: http://prodrigues. com/presentations/rodrigues …, 2010
Greek word segmentation using minimal information
CA Rytting
Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at HLT-NAACL 2004, 43-48, 2004
Testing Analogical Modeling: the /k/ ~ ∅ alternation in Turkish
CA Rytting
Analogical Modeling: An exemplar-based approach to language 10, 123, 2002
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