The nice discussion room: Integrating paper and digital media to support co-located group meetings M Haller, J Leitner, T Seifried, JR Wallace, SD Scott, C Richter, P Brandl, ... Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2010 | 148 | 2010 |
Kultur der Digitalität statt digitaler Bildungsrevolution C Richter Pädagogische Rundschau 71 (1), 19-32, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Finding the right way for interrupting people improving their sitting posture M Haller, C Richter, P Brandl, S Gross, G Schossleitner, A Schrempf, H Nii, ... IFIP conference on human-computer interaction, 1-17, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Digitalität und selbst H Allert, M Asmussen, C Richter Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Subjektivierungs-und Bildungsprozesse …, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Nicebook: supporting natural note taking P Brandl, C Richter, M Haller Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2010 | 67 | 2010 |
Formen von Subjektivierung und Unbestimmtheit im Umgang mit datengetriebenen Lerntechnologien–eine praxistheoretische Position H Allert, M Asmussen, C Richter Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 21 (1), 142-158, 2018 | 61 | 2018 |
Designentwicklung-Anregungen aus Designtheorie und Designforschung H Allert, C Richter Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2011 | 59 | 2011 |
Digitalität und Selbst: Einleitung H Allert, M Asmussen, C Richter Digitalität und Selbst, 9-24, 2018 | 54 | 2018 |
Design as critical engagement in and for education C Richter, H Allert EDeR. Educational Design Research 1 (1), 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Lifelong learning and second‐order learning objects H Allert, C Richter, W Nejdl British Journal of Educational Technology 35 (6), 701-715, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
Poetische Spielzüge als Bildungsoption in einer Kultur der Digitalität C Richter, H Allert Digitalität und Selbst, 237-262, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Design principles and practices for the knowledge-practices laboratory (KP-Lab) project K Hakkarainen, L Ilomäki, S Paavola, H Muukkonen, H Toiviainen, ... European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 603-608, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
The knowledge practices environment: a virtual environment for collaborative knowledge creation and work around shared artefacts H Markkanen, M Holi, L Benmergui, M Bauters, C Richter EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 5035-5040, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
Learning Analytics: subversive, regulierende und transaktionale Praktiken H Allert, C Richter Big Data, Datafizierung und digitale Artefakte, 15-35, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Mirroring of knowledge practices based on user-defined patterns J Paralič, C Richter, F Babič, J Wagner, M Raček Journal of Universal Computer Science 17 (10), 1474-1491, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Learning Objects on the Semantic Web. Explicitly Modelling Instructional Theories and Paradigms C Richter, W Nejdl, H Allert E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2002 | 23 | 2002 |
Interactive displays and next-generation interfaces M Haller, P Brandl, C Richter, J Leitner, T Seifried, A Gokcezade, ... Hagenberg Research, 433-472, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
Extending the scope of the current discussion on metadata towards situated models H Allert, C Richter, W Nejdl Designing For Change in Networked Learning Environments, 353-362, 2003 | 19 | 2003 |
A practice-oriented perspective on collaborative creative design C Richter, H Allert International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 4 (3-4), 195-205, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Practices, Systems, and Context Working as Core Concepts in Modeling Socio-Technical Systems. H Allert, C Richter WSPI, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |