Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Ilari FilpponenTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 5
Superhydrophobic and slippery lubricant-infused flexible transparent nanocellulose films by photoinduced thiol–ene functionalization
J Guo, W Fang, A Welle, W Feng, I Filpponen, OJ Rojas, PA Levkin
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (49), 34115-34122, 2016
Megbízások: Helmholtz Association, Academy of Finland, European Commission
Micro-patterns on nanocellulose films and paper by photo-induced thiol–yne click coupling: a facile method toward wetting with spatial resolution
J Guo, I Filpponen, LS Johansson, S Heiβler, L Li, P Levkin, OJ Rojas
Cellulose 25, 367-375, 2018
Megbízások: Helmholtz Association, Academy of Finland, European Commission
Preparation of photoreactive nanocellulosic materials via benzophenone grafting
H Orelma, M Vuoriluoto, LS Johansson, JM Campbell, I Filpponen, ...
RSC Advances 6 (88), 85100-85106, 2016
Megbízások: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Protein-mediated interfacial adhesion in composites of cellulose nanofibrils and polylactide: Enhanced toughness towards material development
A Khakalo, I Filpponen, OJ Rojas
Composites Science and Technology 160, 145-151, 2018
Megbízások: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Foam processing of fibers as a sustainable alternative to wet-laying: fiber web properties and cause–effect relations
W Xiang, I Filpponen, E Saharinen, T Lappalainen, K Salminen, OJ Rojas
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (11), 14423-14431, 2018
Megbízások: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Valahol hozzáférhető: 18
Valorization of residual Empty Palm Fruit Bunch Fibers (EPFBF) by microfluidization: production of nanofibrillated cellulose and EPFBF nanopaper
A Ferrer, I Filpponen, A Rodríguez, J Laine, OJ Rojas
Bioresource technology 125, 249-255, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Effect of residual lignin and heteropolysaccharides in nanofibrillar cellulose and nanopaper from wood fibers
A Ferrer, E Quintana, I Filpponen, I Solala, T Vidal, A Rodríguez, J Laine, ...
Cellulose 19, 2179-2193, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Photoluminescent Hybrids of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Carbon Quantum Dots as Cytocompatible Probes for in Vitro Bioimaging
J Guo, D Liu, I Filpponen, LS Johansson, JM Malho, S Quraishi, F Liebner, ...
Biomacromolecules 18 (7), 2045-2055, 2017
Megbízások: Academy of Finland
Complexes of magnetic nanoparticles with cellulose nanocrystals as regenerable, highly efficient, and selective platform for protein separation
J Guo, I Filpponen, LS Johansson, P Mohammadi, M Latikka, MB Linder, ...
Biomacromolecules 18 (3), 898-905, 2017
Megbízások: Academy of Finland
Attachment of gold nanoparticles on cellulose nanofibrils via click reactions and electrostatic interactions
J Guo, I Filpponen, P Su, J Laine, OJ Rojas
Cellulose 23, 3065-3075, 2016
Megbízások: Academy of Finland
Affibody conjugation onto bacterial cellulose tubes and bioseparation of human serum albumin
H Orelma, LO Morales, LS Johansson, IC Hoeger, I Filpponen, C Castro, ...
RSC Advances 4 (93), 51440-51450, 2014
Megbízások: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Using gelatin protein to facilitate paper thermoformability
A Khakalo, I Filpponen, LS Johansson, A Vishtal, AR Lokanathan, ...
Reactive and Functional Polymers 85, 175-184, 2014
Megbízások: Academy of Finland
In-situ glyoxalization during biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose
C Castro, N Cordeiro, M Faria, R Zuluaga, JL Putaux, I Filpponen, L Velez, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 126, 32-39, 2015
Megbízások: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Rapid and complete enzyme hydrolysis of lignocellulosic nanofibrils
R Martin-Sampedro, I Filpponen, IC Hoeger, JY Zhu, J Laine, OJ Rojas
ACS macro letters 1 (11), 1321-1325, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Highly percolated poly (vinyl alcohol) and bacterial nanocellulose synthesized in situ by physical-crosslinking: exploiting polymer synergies for biomedical nanocomposites
C Castro, R Zuluaga, OJ Rojas, I Filpponen, H Orelma, M Londoño, ...
RSC advances 5 (110), 90742-90749, 2015
Megbízások: Academy of Finland
Mechanically-induced dimensional extensibility of fibers towards tough fiber networks
A Khakalo, A Vishtal, E Retulainen, I Filpponen, OJ Rojas
Cellulose 24, 191-205, 2017
Megbízások: Academy of Finland
Protein adsorption tailors the surface energies and compatibility between polylactide and cellulose nanofibrils
A Khakalo, I Filpponen, OJ Rojas
Biomacromolecules 18 (4), 1426-1433, 2017
Megbízások: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Development of a β-cyclodextrin-chitosan polymer as active coating for cellulosic surfaces and capturing of microcystin-LR
D Gomez-Maldonado, I Filpponen, IBV Erramuspe, LS Johansson, ...
Surfaces and Interfaces 33, 102192, 2022
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
In-plane compression and biopolymer permeation enable super-stretchable fiber webs for thermoforming toward 3-D structures
A Khakalo, J Kouko, I Filpponen, E Retulainen, OJ Rojas
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5 (10), 9114-9125, 2017
Megbízások: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Cellulose-cyclodextrin co-polymer for the removal of cyanotoxins on water sources
D Gomez-Maldonado, IB Vega Erramuspe, I Filpponen, LS Johansson, ...
Polymers 11 (12), 2075, 2019
Megbízások: US Department of Agriculture
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