Nicolas Larranaga
Nicolas Larranaga
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Hivatkozott rá
Population sex ratio and dispersal in experimental, two‐patch metapopulations of butterflies
A Trochet, D Legrand, N Larranaga, S Ducatez, O Calvez, J Cote, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (5), 946-955, 2013
Evolution of a butterfly dispersal syndrome
D Legrand, N Larranaga, R Bertrand, S Ducatez, O Calvez, VM Stevens, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1839), 20161533, 2016
Shelter availability alters diel activity and space use in a stream fish
N Larranaga, SÓ Steingrímsson
Behavioral Ecology 26 (2), 578-586, 2015
Sexual selection leads to a tenfold difference in reproductive success of alternative reproductive tactics in male Atlantic salmon
C Tentelier, O Lepais, N Larranaga, A Manicki, F Lange, J Rives
The Science of Nature 103, 1-13, 2016
Density‐dependent diel activity in stream‐dwelling Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus
A Fingerle, N Larranaga, SÓ Steingrímsson
Ecology and Evolution 6 (12), 3965-3976, 2016
Space use and its effects on reproductive success of anadromous Atlantic salmon
C Tentelier, N Larranaga, O Lepais, A Manicki, J Rives, F Lange
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (10), 1461-1471, 2016
Invasive brook trout disrupt the diel activity and aggregation patterns of native brown trout
N Larranaga, ML Wallerius, H Guo, J Cucherousset, JI Johnsson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (7), 1052-1059, 2019
Intra-and inter-individual variation in flight direction in a migratory butterfly co-vary with individual mobility
N Larranaga, M Baguette, O Calvez, A Trochet, S Ducatez, D Legrand
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (16), 3156-3163, 2013
Diel activity and foraging mode of juvenile Arctic charr in fluctuating water flow
N Larranaga, SK Valdimarsson, T Linnansaari, SÓ Steingrímsson
River Research and Applications 34 (4), 348-356, 2018
Within-stream phenotypic divergence in head shape of brown trout associated with invasive brook trout
L Závorka, N Larranaga, M Lovén Wallerius, J Näslund, B Koeck, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 129 (2), 347-355, 2020
Mobility affects copulation and oviposition dynamics in Pieris brassicae in seminatural cages
N Larranaga, M Baguette, O Calvez, D Legrand
Insect science 26 (4), 743-752, 2019
Étude de la sélectivité des filets maillants utilisés pour l'échantillonnage de l'ichtyofaune lacustre en application du protocole normalisé CEN
N Larranaga
Ecological correlates of diel activity in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus
N Larranaga
University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty …, 2016
Individual reproductive success of Atlantic salmon male alternative mating tactics in the wild
C Tentelier, O Lepais, N Larranaga
Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids, 62 p., 2015
Sex in space: how space use affects reproductive success of anadromous Atlantic salmon
C Tentelier, O Lepais, N Larranaga
Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids, 62 p., 2015
Stratégies spatiales de reproduction du saumon atlantique
N Larranaga
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), FRA., 2011
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