Freddy Ong
Freddy Ong
Pelita Harapan University
E-mail megerősítve itt: cintakasihtzuchi.sch.id
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Impact of hard skills, soft skills and organizational culture: lecturer innovation competencies as mediating
M Asbari, A Purwanto, F Ong, A Mustikasiwi, S Maesaroh, M Mustofa, ...
EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling 2 (1), 142-155, 2020
Does Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015 Influence Company Performance? Anwers from Indonesian Tourism Industries
F Ong, A Purwanto, J Supono, S Hasna, D Novitasari, M Asbari
Test Engineering & Management 83, 24808-24817, 2020
Winanti, & Sopa, A.(2020). The impacts of leadership and organizational culture on performance in indonesian public health: The mediating effects of innovative work behavior
M Prameswari, M Asbari, A Purwanto, F Ong, SW Kusumaningsih, ...
International Journal of Control and Automation 13 (2), 216-227, 0
Minat dan Hambatan Publikasi Artikel pada Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi: Studi Eksploratori pada Mahasiswa Doktoral di Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Jakarta
A Purwanto, R Pramono, I Bernarto, M Asbari, PB Santoso, MP Saifuddin, ...
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan 4 (1), 219-228, 2020
School environmental influences, student discipline and learning motivation toward increasing senior high students achievement
P Senjaya, F Kotamena, F Ong, CB Andika, A Purwanto, R Pramono
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (05), 4572-4586, 2020
Organizational culture, organizational commitment and employees’ performance: The mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior
SW Kusumaningsih, F Ong, D Hutagalung, S Basuki, M Asbari, ...
TEST Engineering and Management 83 (1), p18277-18294, 2020
The Effect of Forest Management PEC, FSC, ISO 38200: 2018 on Wood Industries Competitiveness: Evidence from Indonesia
A Purwanto, M Asbari, F Ong, M Prameswari, PB Santoso, L Hutagalung, ...
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 26 (6), 7018-7032, 2020
Impact of hard skills, soft skills and organizational culture: Lecturer innovation competencies as mediating. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2 (1 …
M Asbari, A Purwanto, F Ong, A Mustikasiwi, S Maesaroh, M Mustofa, ...
Ong, freddy, & kusumaningsih, W.(2020). Minat dan Hambatan Publikasi Artikel pada Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi: Studi Eksploratori pada Mahasiswa Doktoral di Sebuah …
A Purwanto, R Pramono, I Bernarto, M Asbari, P Santoso, M Saifuddin, ...
Jurnal Pendidikan 4 (1), 219-228, 0
Dhaniel Hutagalung, Sucipto Basuki, Masduki Asbari, Agus Purwanto.(2020). Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment and Employees’ Performance: The Mediating Role of …
SW Kusumaningsih, F Ong
Test Engineering & Management 82 (18277), 18277-18294, 2020
Pengaruh hots, peer group, classroom management, motivasi diri pada proses belajar siswa sekolah menengah atas jurusan sosial
R Primahendra, F Freddy, A Sopa
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial 29 (1), 51-58, 2020
The Impacts of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Performance in Indonesian Public Health: The Mediating Effects of Innovative Work Behavior
A Purwanto
International Journal of Control and Automation 13 (2), 216-227, 2020
ArdianSopa.(2020). The Impacts of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Performance in Indonesian Public Health: The Mediating Effects of Innovative Work Behavior
MA MirzaPrameswari, A Purwanto, F Ong, ...
International Journal of Control and Automation 13 (02), 216-227, 0
Studi Eksploratif Minat Pembelian Makanan Kemasan Berlabel Halal pada Segmen Konsumen non Muslim di Banten
A Purwanto, R Pramono, M Asbari, PB Santoso, F Ong, W Kusumaningsih, ...
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