Commissioning and initial operation of a radioactive beam ion source at ISAC M Dombsky, D Bishop, P Bricault, D Dale, A Hurst, K Jayamanna, R Keitel, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (2), 978-980, 2000
101 2000 On the development of a 15 mA direct current H− multicusp source T Kuo, D Yuan, K Jayamanna, M McDonald, R Baartman, P Schmor, ...
Review of scientific instruments 67 (3), 1314-1316, 1996
94 1996 Charge state breeding applications with the ECR PHOENIX source: From low to high current production T Lamy, JL Bouly, JC Curdy, R Geller, A Lacoste, P Sole, P Sortais, ...
Review of scientific instruments 73 (2), 717-719, 2002
46 2002 Off-line ion source terminal for ISAC at TRIUMF K Jayamanna, F Ames, G Cojocaru, R Baartman, P Bricault, R Dube, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2), 2008
42 2008 Further development for the TRIUMF multicusp source T Kuo, D Yuan, K Jayamanna, M McDonald, R Baartman, WZ Gelbart, ...
Review of scientific instruments 69 (2), 959-961, 1998
34 1998 A multicharge ion source (Supernanogan) for the OLIS facility at ISAC/TRIUMF K Jayamanna, G Wight, D Gallop, R Dube, V Jovicic, C Laforge, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (2), 2010
32 2010 Charge state breeding of radioactive ions with an electron cyclotron resonance ion source at TRIUMF F Ames, R Baartman, P Bricault, K Jayamanna, M McDonald, M Olivo, ...
Review of scientific instruments 77 (3), 2006
32 2006 The 40Ca (α, γ) 44Ti reaction at DRAGON C Vockenhuber, CO Ouellet, L Buchmann, J Caggiano, AA Chen, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2007
28 2007 Microwave‐driven multipurpose ion source K Jayamanna, D Yuan, T Kuo, M McDonald, PW Schmor, G Dutto
Review of scientific instruments 67 (3), 1061-1063, 1996
26 1996 A polarized beams project at ISAC CDP Levy, R Baartman, K Jayamanna, R Kiefl, T Kuo, M Olivo, GW Wight, ...
Nuclear Physics A 701 (1-4), 253-258, 2002
25 2002 Evaluation of a prototype Isotope Separator Accelerator surface ionization source M Dombsky, R Baartman, P Bricault, J Doornbos, K Jayamanna, T Kuo, ...
Review of scientific instruments 69 (2), 1170-1172, 1998
24 1998 Optimization studies of proton polarization in the TRIUMF optically pumped polarized H− ion source AN Zelenskii, K Jayamanna, CDP Levy, M McDonald, R Ruegg, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1993
22 1993 The ECRIS charge state breeding project at TRIUMF F Ames, R Baartman, P Bricault, K Jayamanna, M McDonald, P Schmor, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2), 2008
21 2008 On the development of 2 ma rf h-beams for compact cyclotrons T Kuo, R Baartman, D Yuan, K Jayamanna, W Uzat, RPH Schneider, ...
Proc. 14th Int’l Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications, 381-384, 1995
20 1995 Feasibility study of in-beam polarization of fluorine CDP Levy, TE Cocolios, JA Behr, K Jayamanna, K Minamisono, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
19 2007 Charge state breeding for the acceleration of radioactive ions at TRIUMF F Ames, R Baartman, P Bricault, K Jayamanna, T Lamy, M McDonald
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (2), 2010
18 2010 Characterization of TRIUMF dc H− ion sources for enhanced brightness YS Hwang, G Cojocaru, D Yuan, M McDonald, K Jayamanna, GH Kim, ...
Review of scientific instruments 77 (3), 2006
18 2006 Charge breeding method results with the Phoenix booster ECR ion source T Lamy, JC Curdy, R Geller, C Peaucelle, P Sole, P Sortais, T Thuillier, ...
European Particle Accelerator Conference 8 EPAC 2002, 1724-1726, 2002
17 2002 A design of an ECR ion source for radioactive ion beams for ISAC on-line facility at TRIUMF K Jayamanna, D Yuan, M Dombsky, P Bricault, M McDonald, M Olivo, ...
Review of scientific instruments 73 (2), 792-794, 2002
17 2002 Injection Study for High Current H− Cyclotrons T Kuo, R Baartman, L Root, B Milton, B Uzat, D Yuan, K Jayamanna, ...
Proc. of the XV Intern. Conf. on Cycl. and Their Appl., GANIL, France, 381Ä384, 1998
17 1998