Aurélie Terrier
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Potential changes in forest composition could reduce impacts of climate change on boreal wildfires
A Terrier, MP Girardin, C Périé, P Legendre, Y Bergeron
Ecological Applications 23 (1), 21-35, 2013
Control of the multimillennial wildfire size in boreal North America by spring climatic conditions
AA Ali, O Blarquez, MP Girardin, C Hély, F Tinquaut, A El Guellab, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (51), 20966-20970, 2012
Vegetation limits the impact of a warm climate on boreal wildfires
MP Girardin, AA Ali, C Carcaillet, O Blarquez, C Hély, A Terrier, A Genries, ...
New Phytologist 199 (4), 1001-1011, 2013
Fire in managed forests of eastern Canada: Risks and options
MP Girardin, AA Ali, C Carcaillet, S Gauthier, C Hély, H Le Goff, A Terrier, ...
Forest ecology and management 294, 238-249, 2013
Spatial attributes of fire regime in eastern Canada: influences of regional landscape physiography and climate
N Mansuy, Y Boulanger, A Terrier, S Gauthier, A Robitaille, Y Bergeron
Landscape Ecology 29, 1157-1170, 2014
Dynamics of moisture content in spruce–feather moss and spruce–Sphagnum organic layers during an extreme fire season and implications for future depths of burn in Clay Belt …
A Terrier, WJ de Groot, MP Girardin, Y Bergeron
International journal of wildland fire 23 (4), 490-502, 2014
Mitigating risks of future wildfires by management of the forest composition: an analysis of the offsetting potential through boreal Canada
MP Girardin, A Terrier
Climatic Change 130, 587-601, 2015
Priority wetland invertebrates as conservation surrogates
SJ Ormerod, I Durance, A Terrier, AM Swanson
Conservation Biology 24 (2), 573-582, 2010
Species account for Anisus vorticulus(Troschel, 1834)(Gastropoda: Planorbidae), a species listed in Annexes II and IV of the habitats directive
A Terrier, E Castella, G Falkner, IJ Killeen
Journal of Conchology 39 (2), 193-205, 2006
Projected changes in fire activity and severity feedback in the spruce–feather moss forest of western Quebec, Canada
F Augustin, MP Girardin, A Terrier, P Grondin, MC Lambert, A Leduc, ...
Trees, Forests and People 8, 100229, 2022
Disturbance legacies and paludification mediate the ecological impact of an intensifying wildfire regime in the C lay B elt boreal forest of eastern N orth A merica
A Terrier, MP Girardin, A Cantin, WJ de Groot, KA Anyomi, S Gauthier, ...
Journal of vegetation science 26 (3), 588-602, 2015
Influence of fuel load dynamics on carbon emission by wildfires in the Clay Belt boreal landscape
A Terrier, M Paquette, S Gauthier, MP Girardin, S Pelletier-Bergeron, ...
Forests 8 (1), 9, 2016
La dixième année de recherche du programme «Peuplement humain et évolution paléoclimatique en Afrique de l’Ouest»
E Huysecom, C RobIon-Brunner, A Mayor, S OzaInne, A Ballouche, ...
Jahresbericht SLSA [SwissLiech tenstein Foundation for Archaeological …, 2008
Les réservoirs de carbone en forêt boréale à l’est du Canada: acquis et incertitudes dans la modélisation face aux changements climatiques
A Terrier, M Girardin, Y Bergeron
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 2012
Distribution d'Anisus vorticulus (Troschel 1834) dans la plaine alluviale du Haut-Rhône français. Un gastéropode Planorbidae listé en annexe de la" Directive habitats".
E Castella, A Terrier, M Pellaud, A Paillex
Publications de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 74 (7), 255-269, 2005
Le voyage en Égypte de l’architecte nancéen Émile André et son travail à Kom Ombo (septembre 1896-avril 1897)
A Terrier
Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 47 (1), 214-242, 2021
Kôm Ombo
F Labrique, A Terrier
Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, 2014
Texte et architecture dans le temple égyptien, du Fayoum à Philae, Mélanges offert à Françoise Labrique
AAL Terrier, P René, A Ali
Brepols, 2025
Le Grand Tour de l’architecte Nancéen Émile André (titre provisoire)
AAL Terrier
Église castrale d’Akerentia. Étude archéologique d’un ensemble monumental au cœur de la Calabre
AAL Terrier
EPFL Presses, 2025
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