Zoltan Kato
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
A Markov random field image segmentation model for color textured images
Z Kato, TC Pong
Image and Vision Computing 24 (10), 1103-1114, 2006
Bayesian image classification using Markov random fields
M Berthod, Z Kato, S Yu, J Zerubia
Image and vision computing 14 (4), 285-295, 1996
A hierarchical Markov random field model and multitemperature annealing for parallel image classification
Z Kato, M Berthod, J Zerubia
Graphical models and image processing 58 (1), 18-37, 1996
Markov random fields in image segmentation
Z Kato, J Zerubia
Foundations and Trends® in Signal Processing 5 (1–2), 1-155, 2012
Unsupervised parallel image classification using Markovian models
Z Kato, J Zerubia, M Berthod
Pattern recognition 32 (4), 591-604, 1999
Satellite image classification using a modified Metropolis dynamics.
Z Kato, J Zerubia, M Berthod
icassp, 573-576, 1992
Accurate morphology preserving segmentation of overlapping cells based on active contours
C Molnar, IH Jermyn, Z Kato, V Rahkama, P Östling, P Mikkonen, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32412, 2016
Image segmentation using Markov random field model in fully parallel cellular network architectures
T Szirányi, J Zerubia, L Czúni, D Geldreich, Z Kato
Real-Time Imaging 6 (3), 195-211, 2000
Color image segmentation and parameter estimation in a Markovian framework
Z Kato, TC Pong, JCM Lee
Pattern Recognition Letters 22 (3-4), 309-321, 2001
Multilayer Markov random field models for change detection in optical remote sensing images
C Benedek, M Shadaydeh, Z Kato, T Szirányi, J Zerubia
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 107, 22-37, 2015
Recovering planar homographies between 2D shapes
J Nemeth, C Domokos, Z Kato
2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2170-2176, 2009
Nonlinear shape registration without correspondences
C Domokos, J Nemeth, Z Kato
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (5), 943-958, 2011
Segmentation of color images via reversible jump MCMC sampling
Z Kato
Image and Vision Computing 26 (3), 361-371, 2008
Parametric estimation of affine deformations of planar shapes
C Domokos, Z Kato
Pattern Recognition 43 (3), 569-578, 2010
A spline-based non-linear diffeomorphism for multimodal prostate registration
J Mitra, Z Kato, R Martí, A Oliver, X Lladó, D Sidibé, S Ghose, JC Vilanova, ...
Medical image analysis 16 (6), 1259-1279, 2012
Multiscale Markov random field models for parallel image classification
Z Kato, M Berthod, J Zerubia
1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision, 253-257, 1993
Targetless calibration of a lidar-perspective camera pair
L Tamas, Z Kato
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2013
Unsupervised segmentation of color textured images using a multilayer MRF model
Z Kato, TC Pong, SG Qiang
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2003
Detection of object motion regions in aerial image pairs with a multilayer Markovian model
C Benedek, T Szirányi, Z Kato, J Zerubia
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 (10), 2303-2315, 2009
A Markov random field image segmentation model using combined color and texture features
Z Kato, TC Pong
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 9th International Conference, CAIP …, 2001
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