Dannagal Young
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Late-night comedy in election 2000: Its influence on candidate trait ratings and the moderating effects of political knowledge and partisanship
D Goldthwaite Young
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 48 (1), 1-22, 2004
Dispelling late-night myths: News consumption among late-night comedy viewers and the predictors of exposure to various late-night shows
DG Young, RM Tisinger
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 11 (3), 113-134, 2006
The privileged role of the late-night joke: Exploring humor's role in disrupting argument scrutiny
DG Young
Media Psychology 11 (1), 119-142, 2008
Satire, punch lines, and the nightly news: Untangling media effects on political participation
LH Hoffman, DG Young
Communication Research Reports 28 (2), 159-168, 2011
Late-night comedy as a gateway to traditional news: An analysis of time trends in news attention among late-night comedy viewers during the 2004 presidential primaries
L Feldman, DG Young
Political Communication 25 (4), 401-422, 2008
Fact-checking effectiveness as a function of format and tone: Evaluating FactCheck. org and FlackCheck. org
DG Young, KH Jamieson, S Poulsen, A Goldring
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (1), 49-75, 2018
Irony and outrage: The polarized landscape of rage, fear, and laughter in the United States
DG Young
Oxford University Press, 2019
The impact of real news about “fake news”: Intertextual processes and political satire
PR Brewer, DG Young, M Morreale
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 25 (3), 323-343, 2013
Humor works in funny ways: Examining satirical tone as a key determinant in political humor message processing
HL LaMarre, KD Landreville, D Young, N Gilkerson
Entertainment Media and Politics, 98-121, 2016
Explaining public opinion toward transgender people, rights, and candidates
PE Jones, PR Brewer, DG Young, JL Lambe, LH Hoffman
Public Opinion Quarterly 82 (2), 252-278, 2018
Late-night comedy and the salience of the candidates' caricatured traits in the 2000 election
DG Young
Mass Communication & Society 9 (3), 339-366, 2006
Laughter, learning, or enlightenment? Viewing and avoidance motivations behind The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
DG Young
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 57 (2), 153-169, 2013
Theories and effects of political humor: Discounting cues, gateways, and the impact of incongruities
DG Young
Humor complexity and political influence: An elaboration likelihood approach to the effects of humor type in The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
J Polk, DG Young, RL Holbert
Atlantic Journal of Communication 17 (4), 202-219, 2009
The influence of parodies on mental models: Exploring the Tina Fey–Sarah Palin phenomenon
S Esralew, DG Young
Communication Quarterly 60 (3), 338-352, 2012
Does my comment count? Perceptions of political participation in an online environment
LH Hoffman, PE Jones, DG Young
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2248-2256, 2013
The politics of mask-wearing: Political preferences, reactance, and conflict aversion during COVID
DG Young, H Rasheed, A Bleakley, JB Langbaum
Social Science & Medicine 298, 114836, 2022
Psychology, political ideology, and humor appreciation: Why is satire so liberal?
DG Young, BE Bagozzi, A Goldring, S Poulsen, E Drouin
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 8 (2), 134, 2019
A crisis of civility?: political discourse and its discontents
RG Boatright, TJ Shaffer, S Sobieraj, DG Young
Routledge, 2019
Online emotional appeals and political participation: The effect of candidate affect on mass behavior
PE Jones, LH Hoffman, DG Young
New Media & Society 15 (7), 1132-1150, 2013
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