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The European Physical Journal A 49, 1-32, 2013
250 2013 High-precision mass measurements of nickel, copper, and gallium isotopes and the purported shell closure at C Guénaut, G Audi, D Beck, K Blaum, G Bollen, P Delahaye, F Herfurth, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (4), 044303, 2007
199 2007 An ion cooler-buncher for high-sensitivity collinear laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE E Mané, J Billowes, K Blaum, P Campbell, B Cheal, P Delahaye, ...
The European Physical Journal A 42, 503-507, 2009
166 2009 Masses and Charge Radii of and the Two-Proton-Halo Candidate W Geithner, T Neff, G Audi, K Blaum, P Delahaye, H Feldmeier, S George, ...
Physical review letters 101 (25), 252502, 2008
153 2008 Direct Mass Measurements on the Superallowed Emitter and Its Daughter : <?format ?>Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Correction for Standard-Model Tests A Kellerbauer, G Audi, D Beck, K Blaum, G Bollen, BA Brown, P Delahaye, ...
Physical review letters 93 (7), 072502, 2004
135 2004 Unambiguous Identification of Three -Decaying Isomers in J Van Roosbroeck, C Guénaut, G Audi, D Beck, K Blaum, G Bollen, ...
Physical review letters 92 (11), 112501, 2004
134 2004 Towards high-resolution laser ionization spectroscopy of the heaviest elements in supersonic gas jet expansion R Ferrer, A Barzakh, B Bastin, R Beerwerth, M Block, P Creemers, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14520, 2017
133 2017 Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments in : Evidence for Shape Coexistence in Neutron-Rich Strontium Isotopes at E Clément, M Zielińska, A Görgen, W Korten, S Péru, J Libert, H Goutte, ...
Physical review letters 116 (2), 022701, 2016
125 2016 “Safe” Coulomb Excitation of O Niedermaier, H Scheit, V Bildstein, H Boie, J Fitting, R Von Hahn, ...
Physical review letters 94 (17), 172501, 2005
119 2005 Off-line commissioning of the ISOLDE cooler H Frånberg, P Delahaye, J Billowes, K Blaum, R Catherall, F Duval, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
115 2008 Coulomb Excitation of Neutron-Rich Zn Isotopes: First Observation of the State in J Van de Walle, F Aksouh, F Ames, T Behrens, V Bildstein, A Blazhev, ...
Physical review letters 99 (14), 142501, 2007
115 2007 Low-energy Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich zinc isotopes J Van de Walle, F Aksouh, T Behrens, V Bildstein, A Blazhev, J Cederkäll, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 79 (1), 014309, 2009
113 2009 Restoration of the Shell Gap from Direct Mass Measurements of M Dworschak, G Audi, K Blaum, P Delahaye, S George, U Hager, ...
Physical review letters 100 (7), 072501, 2008
113 2008 Cooling of radioactive ions with the Penning trap REXTRAP F Ames, G Bollen, P Delahaye, O Forstner, G Huber, O Kester, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
113 2005 The mass of Mg M Mukherjee, AG Kellerbauer, MD Lunney, P Delahaye, A Herlert, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (CERN-PH-EP-2004-043), 150801/1-4, 2004
111 2004 Coulomb Excitation of : First Use of Postaccelerated Isomeric Beams I Stefanescu, G Georgiev, F Ames, J Äystö, DL Balabanski, G Bollen, ...
Physical review letters 98 (12), 122701, 2007
101 2007 Measurement of the Sign of the Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moment for the State in : <?format ?>No Evidence for Oblate Shape AM Hurst, PA Butler, DG Jenkins, P Delahaye, F Wenander, F Ames, ...
Physical review letters 98 (7), 072501, 2007
100 2007 Performance of a micro-channel plates position sensitive detector E Liénard, M Herbane, G Ban, G Darius, P Delahaye, D Durand, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
95 2005 Population inversion of nuclear states by a Penning trap mass spectrometer K Blaum, D Beck, G Bollen, P Delahaye, C Guénaut, F Herfurth, ...
Europhysics Letters 67 (4), 586, 2004
82 2004 Radioactive beams at REX–ISOLDE: Present status and latest developments D Voulot, F Wenander, E Piselli, R Scrivens, M Lindroos, HB Jeppesen, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
78 2008