Scaling for edge inference of deep neural networks X Xu, Y Ding, SX Hu, M Niemier, J Cong, Y Hu, Y Shi Nature Electronics 1 (4), 216-222, 2018 | 500 | 2018 |
CO2, NOx and SO2 emissions from the combustion of coal with high oxygen concentration gases Y Hu, S Naito, N Kobayashi, M Hasatani Fuel 79 (15), 1925-1932, 2000 | 399 | 2000 |
Seasonal variation in blood pressure and its relationship with outdoor temperature in 10 diverse regions of China: the China Kadoorie Biobank S Lewington, L Li, P Sherliker, Y Guo, I Millwood, Z Bian, G Whitlock, ... Journal of hypertension 30 (7), 1383-1391, 2012 | 261 | 2012 |
Rt3d: Real-time 3-d vehicle detection in lidar point cloud for autonomous driving Y Zeng, Y Hu, S Liu, J Ye, Y Han, X Li, N Sun IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 3434-3440, 2018 | 197 | 2018 |
Naturalistic physical adversarial patch for object detectors YCT Hu, BH Kung, DS Tan, JC Chen, KL Hua, WH Cheng Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021 | 181 | 2021 |
Exploring spatial-temporal multi-frequency analysis for high-fidelity and temporal-consistency video prediction B Jin, Y Hu, Q Tang, J Niu, Z Shi, Y Han, X Li Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020 | 127 | 2020 |
Quantization of fully convolutional networks for accurate biomedical image segmentation X Xu, Q Lu, L Yang, S Hu, D Chen, Y Hu, Y Shi Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018 | 120 | 2018 |
See and think: Disentangling semantic scene completion S Liu, Y Hu, Y Zeng, Q Tang, B Jin, Y Han, X Li Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
IVF: Characterizing the vulnerability of microprocessor structures to intermittent faults S Pan, Y Hu, X Li IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 20 (5), 777-790, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
An O(nlogn) algorithm for obstacle-avoiding routing tree construction in the λ-geometry plane Z Feng, Y Hu, T Jing, X Hong, X Hu, G Yan Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Physical design, 48-55, 2006 | 71 | 2006 |
RPUF: Physical unclonable function with randomized challenge to resist modeling attack J Ye, Y Hu, X Li 2016 IEEE Asian Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), 1-6, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
基于航空口岸的台胞大陆旅游流空间场效应分析 林岚, 康志林, 甘萌雨, 叶金玉 地理研究 2, 2007 | 68 | 2007 |
iFill: An impact-oriented X-filling method for shift-and capture-power reduction in at-speed scan-based testing J Li, Q Xu, Y Hu, X Li Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 1184 …, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
An-OARSMan: Obstacle-avoiding routing tree construction with good length performance Y Hu, T Jing, X Hong, Z Feng, X Hu, G Yan Proceedings of the 2005 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference …, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
Negative regulation of virus-triggered IFN-β signaling pathway by alternative splicing of TBK1 W Deng, M Shi, M Han, J Zhong, Z Li, W Li, Y Hu, L Yan, J Wang, Y He, ... Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (51), 35590-35597, 2008 | 57 | 2008 |
Body-earth mover’s distance: A matching-based approach for sleep posture recognition X Xu, F Lin, A Wang, Y Hu, MC Huang, W Xu IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 10 (5), 1023-1035, 2016 | 55 | 2016 |
Robust FPGA resynthesis based on fault-tolerant Boolean matching Y Hu, Z Feng, L He, R Majumdar 2008 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 706-713, 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
On-bed sleep posture recognition based on body-earth mover's distance X Xu, F Lin, A Wang, C Song, Y Hu, W Xu 2015 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-4, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
FORst: A 3-step heuristic for obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner minimal tree construction Y Hu, Z Feng, T Jing, X Hong, Y Yang, G Yu, X Hu, G Yan Journal of Information and Computational Science 1 (3), 107-116, 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Geographical spatial analysis and risk prediction based on machine learning for maritime traffic accidents: A case study of Fujian sea area Y Yang, Z Shao, Y Hu, Q Mei, J Pan, R Song, P Wang Ocean Engineering 266, 113106, 2022 | 45 | 2022 |