Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Wolfgang GlänzelTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 1
A citation-based cross-disciplinary study on literature ageing: part II—diachronous aspects
L Zhang, W Glänzel
Scientometrics 111, 1559-1572, 2017
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Valahol hozzáférhető: 32
Optimized data fusion for kernel k-means clustering
S Yu, L Tranchevent, X Liu, W Glanzel, JAK Suykens, B De Moor, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (5), 1031-1039, 2011
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Diversity of references as an indicator of the interdisciplinarity of journals: Taking similarity between subject fields into account
L Zhang, R Rousseau, W Glänzel
Journal of the association for information science and technology 67 (5 …, 2016
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
How scientific research reacts to international public health emergencies: a global analysis of response patterns
L Zhang, W Zhao, B Sun, Y Huang, W Glänzel
Scientometrics 124 (1), 747-773, 2020
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Canadian …
Hybrid clustering for validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes
F Janssens, L Zhang, B De Moor, W Glänzel
Information processing & management 45 (6), 683-702, 2009
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A hybrid mapping of information science
F Janssens, W Glänzel, B De Moor
Scientometrics 75 (3), 607-631, 2008
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Same data—different results? Towards a comparative approach to the identification of thematic structures in science
J Gläser, W Glänzel, A Scharnhorst
Scientometrics 111, 981-998, 2017
Megbízások: European Commission, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Weighted hybrid clustering by combining text mining and bibliometrics on a large‐scale journal database
X Liu, S Yu, F Janssens, W Glänzel, Y Moreau, B De Moor
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 (6 …, 2010
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Multiview partitioning via tensor methods
X Liu, S Ji, W Glänzel, B De Moor
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (5), 1056-1069, 2012
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Dynamic hybrid clustering of bioinformatics by incorporating text mining and citation analysis
F Janssens, W Glänzel, B De Moor
Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2007
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Mapping cross-border collaboration and communication in cardiovascular research from 1992 to 2012
D Gal, W Glänzel, KR Sipido
European heart journal 38 (16), 1249-1258, 2017
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Hybrid clustering of text mining and bibliometrics applied to journal sets
X Liu, S Yu, Y Moreau, B De Moor, W Glänzel, F Janssens
Proceedings of the 2009 SIAM international conference on data mining, 49-60, 2009
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Gender differences in the aims and impacts of research
L Zhang, G Sivertsen, H Du, Y Huang, W Glänzel
Scientometrics 126, 8861-8886, 2021
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Council of Norway
Tracing the development of mapping knowledge domains
Y Huang, W Glänzel, L Zhang
Scientometrics 126, 6201-6224, 2021
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bibliographic coupling and hierarchical clustering for the validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes
B Thijs, L Zhang, W Glänzel
Scientometrics 105, 1453-1467, 2015
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modeling science: studying the structure and dynamics of science
K Börner, W Glänzel, A Scharnhorst, P van den Besselaar
Scientometrics 89, 347-348, 2011
Megbízások: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
A citation-based cross-disciplinary study on literature aging: Part I—The synchronous approach
L Zhang, W Glänzel
Scientometrics 111 (3), 1573-1589, 2017
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Optimized Data Fusion for k-means Laplacian Clustering
S Yu, LC Tranchevent, B De Moor, Y Moreau, S Yu, LC Tranchevent, ...
Kernel-based Data Fusion for Machine Learning: Methods and Applications in …, 2011
Megbízások: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Scientometric research assessment in the developing world: A tribute to Michael J. Moravcsik from the perspective of the twenty-first century
W Glänzel, L Zhang
Scientometrics 115, 1517-1532, 2018
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The comparison of various similarity measurement approaches on interdisciplinary indicators
Y Huang, W Glänzel, B Thijs, AL Porter, L Zhang
FEB Research Report MSI_2102, 1-24, 2021
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A publikációs és a finanszírozási adatokat számítógépes program határozza meg, automatikusan.