The relationship between job satisfaction and demographic variables for healthcare professionals J Kavanaugh, JA Duffy, J Lilly Management Research News 29 (6), 304-325, 2006 | 215 | 2006 |
Doing more with less: An analysis of work life balance among layoff survivors M Virick, JD Lilly, WJ Casper Career Development International 12 (5), 463-480, 2007 | 194 | 2007 |
Life after the layoff: Getting a job worth keeping FM McKee‐Ryan, M Virick, GE Prussia, J Harvey, JD Lilly Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009 | 145 | 2009 |
Outsourcing the human resource function: Environmental and organizational characteristics that affect HR performance JD Lilly, DA Gray, M Virick Journal of Business Strategies, 55, 2005 | 135 | 2005 |
Do individual needs moderate the relationships between organizational citizenship behavior, organizational trust and perceived organizational support? JA Duffy, J Lilly Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 14 (3), 185-197, 2013 | 131 | 2013 |
A gender‐sensitive study of McClelland's needs, stress, and turnover intent with work‐family conflict JD Lilly, JA Duffy, M Virick Women in Management Review 21 (8), 662-680, 2006 | 107 | 2006 |
The effect of personality on perceptions of justice JD Lilly, M Virick Journal of managerial psychology 21 (5), 438-458, 2006 | 65 | 2006 |
CEO influences and executive compensation: large firms vs. small firms C Joe Ueng, DW Wells, JD Lilly Managerial Finance 26 (8), 3-12, 2000 | 61 | 2000 |
Technology changes at work and employee reactions: The role of leader behavior JD Lilly, DW Durr Human Systems Management 31 (3-4), 193-201, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
The dynamic nature of justice: Influential effects of time and work outcomes on long-term perceptions of justice JD Lilly, M Virick, M Hadani Social Justice Research 23, 37-59, 2010 | 34 | 2010 |
The impact of justice type on organizational citizenship behavior: Do outcome favorability and leader behavior matter? J Lilly Current Psychology 34, 26-49, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
What happened to civility? Understanding rude behavior through the lens of organizational justice JD Lilly Business horizons 60 (5), 707-714, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
The impact of ethical climate on organizational trust and the role of business performance: if business performance increases, does ethical climate still matter? J Lilly, JA Duffy, K Wipawayangkool Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 17 (1), 33, 2016 | 30 | 2016 |
When fair procedures don’t work: A self-threat model of procedural justice JD Lilly, K Wipawayangkool Current Psychology 37, 680-691, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Coping mechanisms as antecedents of justice and organization citizenship behaviors: A multi-focal perspective of the social exchange relationship JD Lilly, M Virick Current Psychology 32, 150-167, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Wells Fargo: Administrative evil and the pressure to conform J Lilly, D Durr, A Grogan, JF Super Business Horizons 64 (5), 587-597, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Psychological contract violation and the escalating cycle of mistrust J Lilly Journal of Business Strategies 37 (1), 29-43, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Perceptions of psychological contract violations in school districts that serve children with autism spectrum disorder: An exploratory qualitative study JD Lilly, D Reed, KG Wheeler Journal of Applied School Psychology 20 (1), 27-45, 2004 | 11 | 2004 |
Teaching evaluations and student grades: That’s not fair! JD Lilly, K Wipawayangkool, M Pass Journal of Management Education 46 (6), 994-1023, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Recency effects in justice and organizational citizenship behavior: The impact of coping style J Lilly, M Virick, K Wipawayangkool Journal of Business Strategies 32 (2), 71, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |