Data protection in EU and US criminal cooperation: A substantive law approach to the EU internal and transatlantic cooperation in criminal matters between judicial and law … E De Busser Maklu, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Revisiting past cyber operations in light of new cyber norms and interpretations of international law: inching towards lines in the sand? D Broeders, E De Busser, F Cristiano, T Tropina Journal of Cyber Policy 7 (1), 97-135, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
EU data protection in transatlantic cooperation in criminal matters Will the EU be serving its citizens an American meal? E De Busser Utrecht Law Review, 86-100, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Three tales of attribution in cyberspace: Criminal law, international law and policy debates D Broeders, E De Busser, P Pawlak The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Policy Brief, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
EU-US Digital Data Exchange to Combat Financial Crime: Fast is the New Slow E De Busser German Law Journal 19 (5), 1251-1267, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
The digital unfitness of mutual legal assistance E De Busser Security and human rights 28 (1-4), 161-179, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Blueprint for an EU Criminal Records Database: Legal, Politico-institutional and Practical Feasibility; Advance Copy Final Report G Vermeulen, E de Busser Maklu, 2002 | 9 | 2002 |
Open source data and criminal investigations: Anything you publish can and will be used against you ED Busser Groningen Journal of International Law 2 (2), 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Big Data: A Twenty-First Century Arms Race E De Busser, EJ Briscoe, BC Dean, T Tropina, MB Aparicio Atlantic Council, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Privatization of information and the data protection reform ED Busser Reloading Data Protection: Multidisciplinary Insights and Contemporary …, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Aspecten van Europees formeel strafrecht G Vermeulen, E De Busser Maklu, 2002 | 6 | 2002 |
Shielding software systems: A comparison of security by design and privacy by design based on a systematic literature review C Del-Real, E De Busser, B van den Berg Computer Law & Security Review 52, 105933, 2024 | 5 | 2024 |
EU Data Protection in Transatlantic Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Will the EU Be Serving its Citizens an American Meal? ED Busser Utrecht Law Review 6 (1), 2010 | 5 | 2010 |
Judicial cooperation in criminal matters-mutual legal assistance E De Busser Joint Investigation Teams in the European Union, From Theory to Practice …, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Purpose limitation in EU-US data exchange in criminal matters: the remains of the day E De Busser Marc Cools et. al., Readings on Criminal Justice Criminal Law & Policing …, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
The architecture of data exchange E De Busser Revue internationale de droit pénal 78 (1), 35-55, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Data Protection Around the World: Belgium E De Busser Data Protection Around the World: Privacy Laws in Action, 7-21, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
The Lisbon after-burn effect E De Busser Era Forum 16 (3), 277-289, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Transatlantic adequacy and a certain degree of perplexity E De Busser European Criminal Law, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Examples and Assumptions: Transatlantic Data Protection In Criminal Matters E De Busser Journal of Internet Law 15 (10), 3-20, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |