Katherine Strasser
Katherine Strasser
E-mail megerősítve itt: uc.cl
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Manual de psicología educacional
V Arancibia
Ediciones UC, 2008
Psicología de la educación
V Arancibia, P Herrera, K Strasser
Linguistic environment of preschool classrooms: What dimensions support children’s language growth?
LM Justice, H Jiang, K Strasser
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42, 79-92, 2018
The role of comprehension monitoring, theory of mind, and vocabulary depth in predicting story comprehension and recall of kindergarten children
K Strasser, F Río
Reading Research Quarterly 49 (2), 169-187, 2014
The evolution of therapeutic change studied through generic change indicators
M Krause, G De la Parra, R Arístegui, P Dagnino, A Tomicic, N Valdés, ...
Psychotherapy research 17 (6), 673-689, 2007
Distinct influences of mothers and fathers on kindergartners’ numeracy performance: The role of math anxiety, home numeracy practices, and numeracy expectations
MF Del Río, MI Susperreguy, K Strasser, V Salinas
Early Education and Development 28 (8), 939-955, 2017
Home and instruction effects on emergent literacy in a sample of Chilean kindergarten children
K Strasser, MR Lissi
Scientific studies of reading 13 (2), 175-204, 2009
Gestión del tiempo en 12 salas chilenas de kindergarten: recreo, colación y algo de instrucción
K Strasser, MR Lissi, M Silva
Psykhe (Santiago) 18 (1), 85-96, 2009
Preschool children’s beliefs about gender differences in academic skills
MF Del Río, K Strasser
Sex roles 68, 231-238, 2013
Early narrative skills in Chilean preschool: Questions scaffold the production of coherent narratives
M Silva, K Strasser, K Cain
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29 (2), 205-213, 2014
¿ Son las habilidades matemáticas un asunto de género?: Los estereotipos de género acerca de las matemáticas en niños y niñas de Kínder, sus familias y educadoras
MF Del Río, K Strasser, MI Susperreguy
Calidad en la Educación, 20-53, 2016
Creencias y prácticas de literacidad en familias chilenas con distintos niveles educativos
MI Susperreguy, K Strasser, MR Lissi, S Mendive
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología 39 (2), 239-251, 2007
Language and therapeutic change: A speech acts analysis
L Reyes, R Aristegui, M Krause, K Strasser, A Tomicic, N Valdés, C Altimir, ...
Psychotherapy Research 18 (3), 355-362, 2008
La comprensión narrativa en edad preescolar: un instrumento para su medición
K Strasser, A Larraín, S López de Lérida, MR Lissi
Psykhe (Santiago) 19 (1), 75-87, 2010
Reading interest and family literacy practices from prekindergarten to kindergarten: Contributions from a cross-lagged analysis
JP Pezoa, S Mendive, K Strasser
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 47, 284-295, 2019
Chilean kindergarten children’s beliefs about mathematics: Family matters.
MF Del Río, K Strasser, D Cvencek, MI Susperreguy, AN Meltzoff
Developmental psychology 55 (4), 687, 2019
Effects of storybook reading style on comprehension: The role of word elaboration and coherence questions
K Strasser, A Larraín, MR Lissi
Early Education & Development 24 (5), 616-639, 2013
The association between arithmetic and reading performance in school: A meta-analytic study
V Singer, K Strasser
School Psychology Quarterly 32 (4), 435-448, 2017
Mentalization in Chilean Educational Staff with 12-month-old children: Does it make a difference in relation to what children receive at home?
C Farkas, K Strasser, MG Badilla, MP Santelices
Early Education and Development 28 (7), 839-857, 2017
Maternal mental state language during storytelling versus free-play contexts and its relation to child language and socioemotional outcomes at 12 and 30 months of age
C Farkas, MT Del Real, K Strasser, C Álvarez, MP Santelices, ...
Cognitive Development 47, 181-197, 2018
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