Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Erich JarvisTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 4
Birdsong and other animal models for human speech, song, and vocal learning
W Fitch, ED Jarvis
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Axon guidance pathways served as common targets for human speech/language evolution and related disorders
H Lei, Z Yan, X Sun, Y Zhang, J Wang, C Ma, Q Xu, R Wang, ED Jarvis, ...
Brain and language 174, 1-8, 2017
Megbízások: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Birdsong neuroscience and the evolutionary substrates of learned vocalization
MH Davenport, ED Jarvis
Trends in Neurosciences 46 (2), 97-99, 2023
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
At the beginning of speciation
ED Jarvis
Science 371 (6536), 1312-1312, 2021
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Valahol hozzáférhető: 196
The complete sequence of a human genome
S Nurk, S Koren, A Rhie, M Rautiainen, AV Bzikadze, A Mikheenko, ...
Science 376 (6588), 44-53, 2022
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, US …
Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species
A Rhie, SA McCarthy, O Fedrigo, J Damas, G Formenti, S Koren, ...
Nature 592 (7856), 737-746, 2021
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Howard …
Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds
ED Jarvis, S Mirarab, AJ Aberer, B Li, P Houde, C Li, SYW Ho, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1320-1331, 2014
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Danish …
Hybrid error correction and de novo assembly of single-molecule sequencing reads
S Koren, MC Schatz, BP Walenz, J Martin, JT Howard, G Ganapathy, ...
Nature biotechnology 30 (7), 693-700, 2012
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation
G Zhang, C Li, Q Li, B Li, DM Larkin, C Lee, JF Storz, A Antunes, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1311-1320, 2014
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Danish …
The genome of a songbird
WC Warren, DF Clayton, H Ellegren, AP Arnold, LDW Hillier, A Künstner, ...
Nature 464 (7289), 757-762, 2010
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life
HA Lewin, GE Robinson, WJ Kress, WJ Baker, J Coddington, KA Crandall, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (17), 4325-4333, 2018
Megbízások: US Department of Energy, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Wellcome Trust
Assemblathon 2: evaluating de novo methods of genome assembly in three vertebrate species
KR Bradnam, JN Fass, A Alexandrov, P Baranay, M Bechner, I Birol, ...
GigaScience 2 (1), 2047-217X-2-10, 2013
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Canadian …
A draft human pangenome reference
WW Liao, M Asri, J Ebler, D Doerr, M Haukness, G Hickey, S Lu, JK Lucas, ...
Nature 617 (7960), 312-324, 2023
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs are present in~ 4% of uninfected individuals over 70 years old and account for~ 20% of COVID-19 deaths
P Bastard, A Gervais, T Le Voyer, J Rosain, Q Philippot, J Manry, ...
Science immunology 6 (62), eabl4340, 2021
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National …
Convergent transcriptional specializations in the brains of humans and song-learning birds
AR Pfenning, E Hara, O Whitney, MV Rivas, R Wang, PL Roulhac, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1256846, 2014
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Birds, primates, and spoken language origins: behavioral phenotypes and neurobiological substrates
CI Petkov, ED Jarvis
Frontiers in evolutionary neuroscience 4, 12, 2012
Megbízások: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Progressive Cactus is a multiple-genome aligner for the thousand-genome era
J Armstrong, G Hickey, M Diekhans, IT Fiddes, AM Novak, A Deran, ...
Nature 587 (7833), 246-251, 2020
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Villum Foundation
X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in~ 1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19
T Asano, B Boisson, F Onodi, D Matuozzo, M Moncada-Velez, ...
Science immunology 6 (62), eabl4348, 2021
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National …
Three crocodilian genomes reveal ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs
RE Green, EL Braun, J Armstrong, D Earl, N Nguyen, G Hickey, ...
Science 346 (6215), 1254449, 2014
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Gfastats: conversion, evaluation and manipulation of genome sequences using assembly graphs
G Formenti, L Abueg, A Brajuka, N Brajuka, C Gallardo-Alba, A Giani, ...
Bioinformatics 38 (17), 4214-4216, 2022
Megbízások: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
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