Lipika Deka
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: State-of-the-art and future research directions
C Katrakazas, M Quddus, WH Chen, L Deka
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 60, 416-442, 2015
Are Public Intrusion Datasets Fit for Purpose? Characterising the State of the Art in Intrusion Event Datasets
A Kenyon, L Deka, D Elizondo
Computers & Security, 102022, 2020
Transportation cyber-physical system and its importance for future mobility
L Deka, SM Khan, M Chowdhury, N Ayres
Transportation cyber-physical systems, 1-20, 2018
Network-level accident-mapping: distance based pattern matching using artificial neural network
L Deka, M Quddus
Accident Analysis & Prevention 65, 105-113, 2014
Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling of dynamic effects on two-phase flow in homogenous porous media
NS Hanspal, BA Allison, L Deka, DB Das
Journal of Hydroinformatics 15 (2), 540-554, 2013
Synergizing roadway infrastructure investment with digital infrastructure for infrastructure-based connected vehicle applications: Review of current status and future directions
SM Khan, M Chowdhury, EA Morris, L Deka
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 25 (4), 03119001, 2019
Analysis of clustering methods for crop type mapping using satellite imagery
AJ Rivera, MD Perez-Godoy, D Elizondo, L Deka, MJ del Jesus
Neurocomputing 492, 91-106, 2022
Artificial neural network to determine dynamic effect in capillary pressure relationship for two-phase flow in porous media with micro-heterogeneities
DB Das, T Thirakulchaya, L Deka, NS Hanspal
Environmental Processes 2, 1-18, 2015
Continuous automotive software updates through container image layers
N Ayres, L Deka, D Paluszczyszyn
Electronics 10 (6), 739, 2021
Transportation cyber-physical systems
L Deka, M Chowdhury
Elsevier, 2018
Fuzzy logic applied to system monitors
N Khan, DA Elizondo, L Deka, MA Molina-Cabello
IEEE Access 9, 56523-56538, 2021
Artificial Neural Networks, Sequence-to-Sequence LSTMs, and Exogenous Variables as Analytical Tools for NO2 (Air Pollution) Forecasting: A Case Study in the …
J González-Enrique, JJ Ruiz-Aguilar, JA Moscoso-López, D Urda, L Deka, ...
Sensors 21 (5), 1770, 2021
Consistent online backup in transactional file systems
L Deka, G Barua
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 26 (11), 2676-2688, 2014
Critical infrastructure risk in NHS England: predicting the impact of building portfolio age
GRW Mills, L Deka, ADF Price, S Rich-Mahadkar, E Pantzartzis, P Sellars
International Journal of Strategic Property Management 19 (2), 159-172, 2015
Heavy duty vehicle fuel consumption modeling using artificial neural networks
O Wysocki, L Deka, D Elizondo
2019 25th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2019
Applications of machine learning (ML) and mathematical modeling (MM) in healthcare with special focus on cancer prognosis and anticancer therapy: current status and challenges
J Hassan, SM Saeed, L Deka, MJ Uddin, DB Das
Pharmaceutics 16 (2), 260, 2024
Heavy duty vehicle fuel consumption modelling based on exploitation data by using artificial neural networks
O Wysocki, L Deka, D Elizondo, J Kropiwnicki, J Czyżewicz
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 794-805, 2019
Research challenges and transatlantic collaboration on transportation cyber-physical systems
M Henshaw
Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems, 247-265, 2018
Sustainable management of NHS assets backlog maintenance
E Pantzartzis, L Deka, ADF Price, C Tann, GRW Mills, S Rich-Mahadkar
Built environment project and asset management 6 (5), 535-552, 2016
Temporal modelling of long-term heavy metal concentrations in aquatic ecosystems
B Bushra, L Bazneh, L Deka, PJ Wood, S McGowan, DB Das
Journal of Hydroinformatics 25 (4), 1188-1209, 2023
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