Katherine Vukadin
Katherine Vukadin
Associate Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
E-mail megerősítve itt: tmslaw.tsu.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Failure-to-Warn: Facing up to the real impact of pharmaceutical marketing on the physician's decision to prescribe
KT Vukadin
Tulsa L. Rev. 50, 75, 2014
Hope or Hype: Why the Affordable Care Act's New External Review Rules for Denied ERISA Healthcare Claims Need More Reform
KT Vukadin
Buff. L. Rev. 60, 1201, 2012
Delayed and denied: toward an effective ERISA remedy for improper processing of healthcare claims
KT Vukadin
Yale J. Health Pol'y L. & Ethics 11, 331, 2011
Unfinished Business: The Affordable Care Act and the Problem of Delayed and Denied ERISA Healthcare Claims
KT Vukadin
J. Marshall L. Rev. 47, 887, 2013
Obamacare Interrupted: Obstructive Federalism and the Consumer Information Blockade
KT Vukadin
Buff. L. Rev. 63, 421, 2015
Now I See: Redefining the Post-Grade Student Conference as Process and Substance Assessment
CL Hill, KT Vukadin
Howard LJ 54, 1, 2010
On Opioids and ERISA: The Urgent Case for a Federal Ban on Discretionary Clauses
KT Vukadin
U. Rich. L. Rev. 53, 687, 2018
Delayed & Denied: Recalibrating the ERISA Attorney's Fee Factors for Healthcare Claims
KT Vukadin
Vill. L. Rev. 67, 339, 2022
Why Won't Private Health Insurance Pay Its Share of the Opioid Crisis?
KT Vukadin
Syracuse L. Rev. 71, 1383, 2021
Outside the Ivory Tower: How Law Students Benefit When Their Professors Revisit Practice
KT Vukadin
Or. L. Rev. 102, 313, 2023
ERISA's Fiduciary Fantasy and the Problem of Mass Health Claim Denials
KT Vukadin
U. Rich. L. Rev. 57, 1325, 2022
Catching on: How Post-Critique Assessments Deepen Understanding and Improve Legal Writing
D Shu, A Millsap, KT Vukadin
Second Draft 32, 35, 2019
Unfinished Business: The Affordable Care Act and the Problem of Delayed and Denied ERISA Health Care Claim, 47 J. Marshall L. Rev. 887 (2014)
K Vukadin
UIC Law Review 47 (3), 3, 2014
Delayed and Denied: Toward an Effective ERISA Remedy for Improper Processing of Healthcare
KT Vukadin
223 The Epidemic of Children's Dental Diseases: Putting Teeth into the Law Jacqueline Fox 267 No Role for Apology: Remedial Work and the Problem of Medical Injury
SE Raper, KT Vukadin
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