Methods for studying the structure of social representations: a critical review and agenda for future research G Lo Monaco, A Piermatteo, P Rateau, JL Tavani Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (3), 306-331, 2017 | 249 | 2017 |
Psychometric properties of the French ten-item personality inventory (TIPI) M Storme, JL Tavani, N Myszkowski Journal of Individual Differences, 2016 | 78 | 2016 |
Development of a French-language version of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy and association with practice characteristics and burnout in a sample of general practitioners F Zenasni, E Boujut, B du Vaure, A Catu-Pinault, JL Tavani, L Rigal, ... International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 2 (4), 759-766, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |
Context variations and pluri-methodological issues concerning the expression of a social representation: The example of the Gypsy Community A Piermattéo, GL Monaco, L Moreau, F Girandola, JL Tavani The Spanish journal of psychology 17, E85, 2014 | 60 | 2014 |
Are reflective models appropriate for very short scales? Proofs of concept of formative models using the Ten‐Item Personality Inventory N Myszkowski, M Storme, JL Tavani Journal of personality 87 (2), 363-372, 2019 | 48 | 2019 |
Self‐affirmation, political value congruence, and support for refugees C Badea, JL Tavani, M Rubin, T Meyer Journal of Applied Social Psychology 47 (7), 355-365, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
Social representation of gifted children: A preliminary study in France JL Tavani, F Zenasni, M Pereira-Fradin Gifted and Talented International 24 (2), 61-70, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
La qualité de vie au travail: objectif à poursuivre ou concept à évaluer? Quality of life at work: A goal to pursue or a concept to be assessed? JL Tavani, GL Monaco, L Hoffmann-Hervé, M Botella, J Collange Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l’environnement 75, 160-170, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
Tell me what you remember and I will know who you are: The link between collective memory and social categorization JL Tavani, J Collange, P Rateau, ML Rouquette, BR Sanitioso Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 20 (1), 91-108, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
An exploratory study of creativity, personality and schooling achievement N Berlin, JL Tavani, M Beasançon Education Economics 24 (5), 536-556, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Improving the study of social representations through word Associations: Validation of semantic contextualization A Piermatteo, JL Tavani, GL Monaco Field Methods 30 (4), 329-344, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Hope in chronic diseases: Social representations of patients' and caregivers' hope L Robieux, F Zenasni, C Flahault, JL Tavani PSYCHOLOGIE FRANCAISE 63 (1), 37-50, 2018 | 28* | 2018 |
Validity of a single-item measure of job satisfaction? JL Tavani, M Botella, J Collange PRATIQUES PSYCHOLOGIQUES 20 (2), 125-142, 2014 | 27* | 2014 |
Représentations sociales de l’alcoolisme féminin et masculin en fonction des pratiques de consommation d’alcool E Taschini, I Urdapilleta, JF Verlhiac, JL Tavani Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 435-461, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Familiarity and liking for music: The moderating effect of creative potential and what predict the market value JL Tavani, X Caroff, M Storme, J Collange Learning and Individual Differences 52, 197-203, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Regards croisés sur le burn-out: aspects médicaux et psychologiques A crossed perspective on burn-out: Medical and psychological point of view J Collange, JL Tavani, MC Soula Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l ‘Environnement 74, 35-43, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Considering social representations in occupational health: Further ways to improve prevention actions and field research JL Tavani, A Piermatteo, J Collange, G Lo Monaco ARCHIVES DES MALADIES PROFESSIONNELLES ET DE L ENVIRONNEMENT 75 (5), 478-491, 2014 | 13* | 2014 |
Mémoire sociale et pensée sociale: Etudes empiriques de leurs influences croisées JL Tavani Université René Descartes-Paris V, 2012 | 13* | 2012 |
Représentations sociales de la personne obèse et de l’obésité: effets de la situation de contact MP Pena, I Urdapilleta, JL Tavani, I Pruzina, JF Verhiac Psychologie Française 61 (3), 235-250, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
How to assess the mental health at work? Basic psychometric principles JL Tavani, X Caroff, G Lo Monaco, J Collange ARCHIVES DES MALADIES PROFESSIONNELLES ET DE L ENVIRONNEMENT 75 (5), 496-508, 2014 | 10* | 2014 |