Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Andrew ConwayTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 3
Children’s eyewitness lineup accuracy one year later: The role of social support and working memory capacity
LC Peter-Hagene, KC Burke, BL Bottoms, KN Carris, ARA Conway
International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice 2 …, 2019
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Process overlap theory, executive functions, and the interpretation of cognitive test scores: Reply to commentaries.
K Kovacs, ARA Conway
Elsevier Science 9 (3), 419, 2020
Megbízások: Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal
The evolution of fluid intelligence meets formative g
K Kovacs, ARA Conway
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, 2017
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
Valahol hozzáférhető: 15
Process overlap theory: A unified account of the general factor of intelligence
K Kovacs, ARA Conway
Psychological Inquiry 27 (3), 151-177, 2016
Megbízások: European Commission
Benchmarks for models of short-term and working memory.
K Oberauer, S Lewandowsky, E Awh, GDA Brown, A Conway, N Cowan, ...
Psychological bulletin 144 (9), 885, 2018
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation
Neural mechanisms of interference control underlie the relationship between fluid intelligence and working memory span.
GC Burgess, JR Gray, ARA Conway, TS Braver
Journal of experimental psychology: general 140 (4), 674, 2011
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Inducing proactive control shifts in the AX-CPT
C Gonthier, BN Macnamara, M Chow, ARA Conway, TS Braver
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1822, 2016
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
New and emerging models of human intelligence
ARA Conway, K Kovacs
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 6 (5), 419-426, 2015
Megbízások: European Commission
Psychometric network analysis of the Hungarian WAIS
CJ Schmank, SA Goring, K Kovacs, ARA Conway
Journal of Intelligence 7 (3), 21, 2019
Megbízások: Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal
Sequential dynamics in visual short-term memory
W Kool, ARA Conway, NB Turk-Browne
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 1885-1901, 2014
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
On the psychometric evaluation of cognitive control tasks: An Investigation with the Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control (DMCC) battery
JP Snijder, R Tang, JM Bugg, ARA Conway, TS Braver
Behavior research methods 56 (3), 1604-1639, 2024
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
The domain specificity of working memory is a matter of ability
K Kovacs, D Molenaar, ARA Conway
Journal of Memory and Language 109, 104048, 2019
Megbízások: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Nemzeti Kutatási …
The Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control (DMCC) project: Validation of an online behavioural task battery
R Tang, JM Bugg, JP Snijder, ARA Conway, TS Braver
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (7), 1457-1480, 2023
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Investigating the structure of intelligence using latent variable and psychometric network modeling: A commentary and reanalysis
CJ Schmank, SA Goring, K Kovacs, ARA Conway
Journal of Intelligence 9 (1), 8, 2021
Megbízások: Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal
Capacity estimates in working memory: Reliability and interrelationships among tasks
JX Van Snellenberg, ARA Conway, J Spicer, C Read, EE Smith
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14, 106-116, 2014
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Why Basic and Applied Social Psychology Declines Demographics Requirements
D Trafimow, MC Hout, ARA Conway
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 45 (6), 157-161, 2023
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Benchmarks provide common ground for model development: Reply to Logie (2018) and Vandierendonck (2018).
K Oberauer, S Lewandowsky, E Awh, GDA Brown, A Conway, N Cowan, ...
American Psychological Association 144 (9), 972, 2018
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation
Benchmarks Provide Common Ground for Model Development: Reply to
K Oberauer, S Lewandowsky, E Awh, GDA Brown, A Conway, N Cowan, ...
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation
A publikációs és a finanszírozási adatokat számítógépes program határozza meg, automatikusan.