Tomás A. Carlo
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Evolutionary ecology of pungency in wild chilies
JJ Tewksbury, KM Reagan, NJ Machnicki, TA Carlo, DC Haak, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (33), 11808-11811, 2008
Inequalities in fruit‐removal and seed dispersal: consequences of bird behaviour, neighbourhood density and landscape aggregation
TA Carlo, JM Morales
Journal of Ecology 96 (4), 609-618, 2008
Avian fruit preferences across a Puerto Rican forested landscape: pattern consistency and implications for seed removal
TA Carlo, JA Collazo, MJ Groom
Oecologia 134, 119-131, 2003
Generalist birds promote tropical forest regeneration and increase plant diversity via rare‐biased seed dispersal
TA Carlo, JM Morales
Ecology 97 (7), 1819-1831, 2016
Fruit quantity of invasive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores in central Pennsylvania
JM Gleditsch, TA Carlo
Diversity and Distributions 17 (2), 244-253, 2011
The effects of plant distribution and frugivore density on the scale and shape of dispersal kernels
JM Morales, TA Carlo
Ecology 87 (6), 1489-1496, 2006
Where do seeds go when they go far? Distance and directionality of avian seed dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes
TA Carlo, D García, D Martínez, JM Gleditsch, JM Morales
Ecology 94 (2), 301-307, 2013
Crop Size and Fruit Neighborhood Effects on Bird Visitation to Fruiting Schefflera morototoni Trees in Puerto Rico1
JF Saracco, JA Collazo, MJ Groom, TA Carlo
Biotropica: The Journal of Biology and Conservation 37 (1), 81-87, 2005
Interspecific neighbors change seed dispersal pattern of an avian‐dispersed plant
TA Carlo
Ecology 86 (9), 2440-2449, 2005
Influences of fruit diversity and abundance on bird use of two shaded coffee plantations
TA Carlo, JA Collazo, MJ Groom
Biotropica 36 (4), 602-614, 2006
Female‐directed dispersal and facilitation between a tropical mistletoe and a dioecious host
TA Carlo, JE Aukema
Ecology 86 (12), 3245-3251, 2005
Plant-frugivore interactions as spatially explicit networks: integrating frugivore foraging with fruiting plant spatial patterns.
TA Carlo, JE Aukema, JM Morales
Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world, 369-390, 2007
Neighborhood effects on seed dispersal by frugivores: testing theory with a mistletoe–marsupial system in Patagonia
JM Morales, MD Rivarola, G Amico, TA Carlo
Ecology 93 (4), 741-748, 2012
Network models of frugivory and seed dispersal: challenges and opportunities
TA Carlo, S Yang
Acta Oecologica 37 (6), 619-624, 2011
Intraspecific and interspecific variation in thermotolerance and photoacclimation in Symbiodinium dinoflagellates
EM Díaz-Almeyda, C Prada, AH Ohdera, H Moran, DJ Civitello, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1868), 20171767, 2017
Relative importance of phenotypic trait matching and species' abundances in determining plant–avian seed dispersal interactions in a small insular community
A González-Castro, S Yang, M Nogales, TA Carlo
AoB plants 7, plv017, 2015
A field test of the directed deterrence hypothesis in two species of wild chili
DJ Levey, JJ Tewksbury, ML Cipollini, TA Carlo
Oecologia 150, 61-68, 2006
When condition trumps location: seed consumption by fruit‐eating birds removes pathogens and predator attractants
EC Fricke, MJ Simon, KM Reagan, DJ Levey, JA Riffell, TA Carlo, ...
Ecology letters 16 (8), 1031-1036, 2013
Fruit traits of pioneer trees structure seed dispersal across distances on tropical deforested landscapes: Implications for restoration
PHSA Camargo, MA Pizo, PHS Brancalion, TA Carlo
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (12), 2329-2339, 2020
Natural mixing of species: novel plant–animal communities on C aribbean I slands
AE Lugo, TA Carlo, JM Wunderle Jr
Animal Conservation 15 (3), 233-241, 2012
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