Early-life outdoor experiences and an individual's environmental attitudes A Ewert, G Place, J Sibthorp Leisure Sciences 27 (3), 225-239, 2005 | 623 | 2005 |
Outdoor adventure education: Foundations, theory, and research AW Ewert, J Sibthorp Human Kinetics, 2014 | 260 | 2014 |
Exploring participant development through adventure-based programming: A model from the National Outdoor Leadership School J Sibthorp, K Paisley, J Gookin Leisure Sciences 29 (1), 1-18, 2007 | 259 | 2007 |
An empirical look at Walsh and Golins' adventure education process model: Relationships between antecedent factors, perceptions of characteristics of an adventure education … J Sibthorp Journal of Leisure Research 35 (1), 80-106, 2003 | 242 | 2003 |
Student learning in outdoor education: A case study from the National Outdoor Leadership School K Paisley, N Furman, J Sibthorp, J Gookin Journal of Experiential Education 30 (3), 201-222, 2008 | 219 | 2008 |
Creating outcomes through experiential education: The challenge of confounding variables A Ewert, J Sibthorp Journal of Experiential Education 31 (3), 376-389, 2009 | 213 | 2009 |
Addressing response-shift bias: Retrospective pretests in recreation research and evaluation J Sibthorp, K Paisley, J Gookin, P Ward Journal of leisure research 39 (2), 295-315, 2007 | 174 | 2007 |
Complementing classroom learning through outdoor adventure education: Out-of-school-time experiences that make a difference D Richmond, J Sibthorp, J Gookin, S Annarella, S Ferri Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 18 (1), 36-52, 2018 | 156 | 2018 |
Mechanisms of learning transfer in adventure education: Qualitative results from the NOLS transfer survey J Sibthorp, N Furman, K Paisley, J Gookin, S Schumann Journal of Experiential Education 34 (2), 109-126, 2011 | 135 | 2011 |
Developing life effectiveness through adventure education: The roles of participant expectations, perceptions of empowerment, and learning relevance J Sibthorp, S Arthur-Banning Journal of Experiential Education 27 (1), 32-50, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Leveraging experiential learning techniques for transfer N Furman, J Sibthorp New directions for adult and continuing education 2013 (137), 17-26, 2013 | 128 | 2013 |
The pedagogic value of student autonomy in adventure education J Sibthorp, K Paisley, J Gookin, N Furman Journal of Experiential Education 31 (2), 136-151, 2008 | 118 | 2008 |
Learning transferable skills through adventure education: The role of an authentic process J Sibthorp Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning 3 (2), 145-157, 2003 | 105 | 2003 |
Long-term impacts attributed to participation in wilderness education: Preliminary findings from NOLS J Sibthorp, K Paisley, N Furman, J Gookin Ninth Biennial Research Symposium 115, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
The social system in outdoor adventure education programs J Sibthorp, J Jostad Journal of Experiential Education 37 (1), 60-74, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Autonomy support at diabetes camp: a self determination theory approach to therapeutic recreation E Hill, J Sibthorp Therapeutic recreation journal 40 (2), 107, 2006 | 87 | 2006 |
Outdoor leadership skills: A program perspective W Shooter, J Sibthorp, K Paisley Journal of Experiential Education 32 (1), 1-13, 2009 | 86 | 2009 |
The Role of Autonomy Support in Summer Camp Programs: Preparing Youth for Productive Behaviors. R Ramsing, J Sibthorp Journal of Park & Recreation Administration 26 (2), 2008 | 75 | 2008 |
Fostering distinct and transferable learning via summer camp C Wilson, T Akiva, J Sibthorp, LP Browne Children and Youth Services Review 98, 269-277, 2019 | 71 | 2019 |
Validating, norming, and utility of a youth outcomes battery for recreation programs and camps J Sibthorp, MD Bialeschki, C Morgan, L Browne Journal of Leisure Research 45 (4), 514-536, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |