Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Ricard AlbalatTovábbi információ
Valahol hozzáférhető: 32
Evolution by gene loss
R Albalat, C Cañestro
Nature Reviews Genetics 17 (7), 379-391, 2016
Megbízások: Government of Spain
The amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology
LZ Holland, R Albalat, K Azumi, È Benito-Gutiérrez, MJ Blow, ...
Genome research 18 (7), 1100-1111, 2008
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health
Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate gene regulation
F Marlétaz, PN Firbas, I Maeso, JJ Tena, O Bogdanovic, M Perry, ...
Nature 564 (7734), 64-70, 2018
Megbízások: Australian Research Council, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
Impact of gene gains, losses and duplication modes on the origin and diversification of vertebrates
C Cañestro, R Albalat, M Irimia, J Garcia-Fernàndez
Seminars in cell & developmental biology 24 (2), 83-94, 2013
Megbízások: Government of Spain
DNA methylation in amphioxus: from ancestral functions to new roles in vertebrates
R Albalat, J Martí-Solans, C Cañestro
Briefings in functional genomics 11 (2), 142-155, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Evolution of the genetic machinery of the visual cycle: a novelty of the vertebrate eye?
R Albalat
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (5), 1461-1469, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Wnt evolution and function shuffling in liberal and conservative chordate genomes
IML Somorjai, J Martí-Solans, M Diaz-Gracia, H Nishida, KS Imai, ...
Genome biology 19, 1-17, 2018
Megbízások: European Commission, Government of Spain
The ancestral retinoic acid receptor was a low-affinity sensor triggering neuronal differentiation
M Handberg-Thorsager, J Gutierrez-Mazariegos, ST Arold, ...
Science Advances 4 (2), eaao1261, 2018
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, European Molecular Biology Laboratory …
Oikopleura dioica culturing made easy: A Low‐Cost facility for an emerging animal model in EvoDevo
J Martí‐Solans, A Ferrández‐Roldán, H Godoy‐Marín, J Badia‐Ramentol, ...
genesis 53 (1), 183-193, 2015
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Coelimination and survival in gene network evolution: Dismantling the RA-signaling in a chordate
J Martí-Solans, OV Belyaeva, NP Torres-Aguila, NY Kedishvili, R Albalat, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 33 (9), 2401-2416, 2016
Megbízások: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Transposon diversity is higher in amphioxus than in vertebrates: functional and evolutionary inferences
C Canestro, R Albalat
Briefings in functional genomics 11 (2), 131-141, 2012
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Metal binding functions of metallothioneins in the slug Arion vulgaris differ from metal-specific isoforms of terrestrial snails
M Dvorak, R Lackner, M Niederwanger, C Rotondo, R Schnegg, ...
Metallomics 10 (11), 1638-1654, 2018
Megbízások: Austrian Science Fund, Government of Spain
Modularity in protein evolution: modular organization and de novo domain evolution in mollusk metallothioneins
S Calatayud, M Garcia-Risco, V Pedrini-Martha, DJ Eernisse, R Dallinger, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (2), 424-436, 2021
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, Government of Spain
Metallomics reveals a persisting impact of cadmium on the evolution of metal-selective snail metallothioneins
R Dallinger, O Zerbe, C Baumann, B Egger, M Capdevila, O Palacios, ...
Metallomics 12 (5), 702-720, 2020
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, Government of Spain
Cardiopharyngeal deconstruction and ancestral tunicate sessility
A Ferrández-Roldán, M Fabregà-Torrus, G Sánchez-Serna, ...
Nature 599 (7885), 431-435, 2021
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Metallothioneins of the urochordate Oikopleura dioica have Cys-rich tandem repeats, large size and cadmium-binding preference
S Calatayud, M Garcia-Risco, NS Rojas, L Espinosa-Sánchez, S Artime, ...
Metallomics 10 (11), 1585-1594, 2018
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Diatom bloom-derived biotoxins cause aberrant development and gene expression in the appendicularian chordate Oikopleura dioica
NP Torres-Águila, J Martí-Solans, A Ferrández-Roldán, A Almazán, ...
Communications Biology 1 (1), 121, 2018
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Biomphalaria glabrata Metallothionein: Lacking Metal Specificity of the Protein and Missing Gene Upregulation Suggest Metal Sequestration by Exchange Instead …
M Niederwanger, S Calatayud, O Zerbe, S Atrian, R Albalat, M Capdevila, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 18 (7), 1457, 2017
Megbízások: Swiss National Science Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, Government of Spain
Oikopleura dioica: An Emergent Chordate Model to Study the Impact of Gene Loss on the Evolution of the Mechanisms of Development
A Ferrández-Roldán, J Martí-Solans, C Cañestro, R Albalat
Evo-devo: Non-model species in cell and developmental biology, 63-105, 2019
Megbízások: Government of Spain
The evolutionary landscape of the Rab family in chordates
U Coppola, F Ristoratore, R Albalat, S D’Aniello
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 76, 4117-4130, 2019
Megbízások: Government of Spain
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