Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Anders FribergTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 2
Experience-dependent modulation of right anterior insula and sensorimotor regions as a function of noise-masked auditory feedback in singers and nonsingers
B Kleber, A Friberg, A Zeitouni, R Zatorre
Neuroimage 147, 97-110, 2017
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, German Research Foundation
Investigating the underlying principles of perceived accents using a modelling approach
A Friberg, E Bisesi, A Addessi, M Baroni
15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition & 10th …, 2018
Megbízások: European Commission
Valahol hozzáférhető: 19
Emotion rendering in music: range and characteristic values of seven musical variables
R Bresin, A Friberg
cortex 47 (9), 1068-1081, 2011
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Experience-dependent modulation of feedback integration during singing: role of the right anterior insula
B Kleber, AG Zeitouni, A Friberg, RJ Zatorre
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (14), 6070-6080, 2013
Megbízások: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, German Research Foundation
Using listener-based perceptual features as intermediate representations in music information retrieval
A Friberg, E Schoonderwaldt, A Hedblad, M Fabiani, A Elowsson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4), 1951-1963, 2014
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Idealized computational models for auditory receptive fields
T Lindeberg, A Friberg
PLoS one 10 (3), e0119032, 2015
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
Modelling the Speed of Music Using Features From Harmonic/Percussive Separated Audio
A Elowsson, A Friberg, G Madison, J Paulin
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval …, 2013
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Algorithmic Composition of Popular Music
A Elowsson, A Friberg
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and …, 2012
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
A Comparison of Perceptual Ratings and Computed Audio Features
A Friberg, A Hedblad
8th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2011), Padova, Italy, 2011
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Intermittent theta burst stimulation over right somatosensory larynx cortex enhances vocal pitch‐regulation in nonsingers
S Finkel, R Veit, M Lotze, A Friberg, P Vuust, S Soekadar, N Birbaumer, ...
Human brain mapping 40 (7), 2174-2187, 2019
Megbízások: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Predicting the perception of performed dynamics in music audio with ensemble learning
A Elowsson, A Friberg
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (3), 2224-2242, 2017
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Modelling perception of speed in music audio
A Elowsson, A Friberg
Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, 735-741, 2013
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Modeling the perception of tempo
A Elowsson, A Friberg
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (6), 3163-3177, 2015
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Singing training predicts increased insula connectivity with speech and respiratory sensorimotor areas at rest
AM Zamorano, RJ Zatorre, P Vuust, A Friberg, N Birbaumer, B Kleber
bioRxiv, 793083, 2019
Megbízások: German Research Foundation, Danish National Research Foundation
An accent-based approach to performance rendering: Music theory meets music psychology
E Bisesi, R Parncutt, A Friberg
International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS 2011), 27-32, 2011
Megbízások: Austrian Science Fund
A computational model of immanent accent salience in tonal music
E Bisesi, A Friberg, R Parncutt
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 317, 2019
Megbízások: Austrian Science Fund
Scale-space theory for auditory signals
T Lindeberg, A Friberg
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2015
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
Relations between perceived affect and liking for melodies and visual designs.
A Clemente, A Friberg, A Holzapfel
Emotion 23 (6), 1584, 2023
Megbízások: Banking Foundation "la Caixa"
Prediction of three articulatory categories in vocal sound imitations using models for auditory receptive fields
A Friberg, T Lindeberg, M Hellwagner, P Helgason, GL Salomão, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (3), 1467-1483, 2018
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
Probing the underlying principles of perceived immanent accents using a modeling approach
A Friberg, E Bisesi, AR Addessi, M Baroni
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1024, 2019
Megbízások: Swedish Research Council
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