Gizem Melek
Gizem Melek
E-mail megerősítve itt: qub.ac.uk
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Şiddet, Demokrasi ve Terör Bağlamında Ana Akım Medyanın Analizi: 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi
G Melek, H Toker
Erciyes İletişim Dergisi 5 (1), 222-234, 2017
Türkiye’deki okullarda siber zorbalık: Bir literatür değerlendirmesi
DM Uluçay, G Melek
AJIT-e: Academic Journal of Information Technology 8 (30), 91-106, 2017
Self-presentation strategies and the visual framing of political leaders on Instagram: evidence from the eventful 2019 Istanbul mayoral elections
DM Uluçay, G Melek
Visual Communication 23 (1), 142-171, 2024
Media attributes and attitude change: Experiments on the impact of second-level agenda-setting on attitudes towards Syrian refugees
G Melek, DM Ulucay
Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico 25 (1), 381-392, 2019
Medya arası gündem belirleme kuramı araştırmalarında bir yöntem uygulaması: Hürriyet online ve Twitter örneği
G Melek
Ankara Üniversitesi İLEF Dergisi 4 (1), 123-148, 2017
Medya arası gündem belirleme kuramı çerçevesinde Hürriyet ve Twitter üzerine bir çalışma
G Melek
Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015
A Study on Hürriyet and Twitter Within the Framework of Intermedia Agenda-Setting
G Melek
İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 17-41, 2017
First and second level intermedia agenda-setting between international newspapers and twitter during the coverage of the 266th papal election
U Bakan, G Melek
Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 155-177, 2016
Political storytelling of Ekrem İmamoğlu on Instagram during 2019 Istanbul mayoral elections in Turkey
G Melek, E Müyesseroğlu
Visual Studies 38 (5), 894-910, 2023
When a Polarized Media System Meets a Pandemic: Framing the Political Discord over COVID-19 Aid Campaigns in Turkey
G Melek, E İşeri
Political Communication in the Time of Coronavirus, 136-154, 2021
2016 Sultanahmet Terör Eylemi: Yerelin Küreselleşmesi
G Melek, H Toker
Selçuk İletişim 9 (3), 178-203, 2016
Emotions in climate change communication: An experimental investigation
G Arikan, G Melek, D Gunay
Communications 47 (2), 2022
Three stories of one truth? Visual framing of AP, CNN & FOX news Instagram coverage of the 2020 US presidential candidates
G Melek, Z Raza
Visual Studies 38 (5), 880-893, 2023
Instagramming the Political Image: Visual Campaigning Strategies of Successful Opposition Candidates in Turkey’s 2019 Mayoral Elections
G Melek
Visual Communication Quarterly 30 (3), 125-139, 2023
Public Perception of Data Visuals in Media Coverage During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Risk Perception Model Revisited
DM Uluçay, G Melek, D Özyurda-Ergen
Tripodos 1 (47), 135-153, 2020
Examining the Role of Political Party Predispositions and Polarized Media on Network Agenda Setting: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Türkiye
G Melek
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 101 (2), 373-404, 2024
The Role of Fear, Sadness, and Anger in Shaping Support for Climate Policies: Evidence from a UK Survey Experiment
D Günay, G Melek, G Arıkan, CF Molas
Sustainability and Climate Change 17 (4), 254-266, 2024
Sexual Harassment, Gender-Based Discrimination and Mobbing in Newsrooms: Qualitative In-Depth Interviews with Women Journalists in Turkish Media
G Melek
Kültür ve İletişim 27 (53), 192-203, 2024
COVID-19 ve Yalan Haber: Pandemi Sürecinde Yalan Haber - “Fake News” Tanımlamalarının Literatürdeki Tipolojisi
G Melek
Sosyal Bilimci Gözüyle Pandemi: Covid-19 Üzerine Araştırma, Uygulama ve …, 2020
Visual framing of climate change during natural disasters at home and abroad: an analysis of British News
D Günay, Ö Yenen Aytekin, G Melek
Visual Communication, 2025
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