Karoly Barta
Karoly Barta
E-mail megerősítve itt: geo.u-szeged.hu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Comparison of EUROSEM, WEPP, and MEDRUSH model calculations with measured runoff and soil‐loss data from rainfall simulations in Hungary
C Centeri, K Barta, G Jakab, Z Szalai, Z Bíró
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science 172 (6), 789-797, 2009
Evaluating the effects of sewage sludge compost applications on the microbial activity, the nutrient and heavy metal content of a Chernozem soil in a field survey
A Farsang, I Babcsányi, Z Ladányi, K Perei, A Bodor, KT Csányi, K Barta
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13, 1-9, 2020
A drought adaptation management system for groundwater resources based on combined drought index and vulnerability analysis
H Al Adaileh, M Al Qinna, K Barta, E Al-Karablieh, J Rakonczai, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 3, 445-461, 2019
Comparison of particle-size analyzing laboratory methods.
C Centeri, G Jakab, S Szabó, A Farsang, K Barta, Z Szalai, Z Bíró
Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 14 (5), 2015
Comparison of pipette and laser diffraction methods in determining the granulometric content of fluvial sediment samples
Á Kun, O Katona, G Sipos, K Barta
Journal of Environmental Geography 6 (3-4), 49-54, 2013
Soil erodibility calculations based on different particle size distribution measurements
C Centeri, Z Szalai, G Jakab, K Barta, A Farsang, S Szabó, Z Bíró
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (1), 17-23, 2015
Environmental heterogeneity increases the conservation value of small natural features in karst landscapes
Z Bátori, O Valkó, A Vojtkó, C Tölgyesi, T Farkas, AA Hábenczyus, Á Tóth, ...
Science of the Total Environment 872, 162120, 2023
Managing climate change microrefugia for vascular plants in forested karst landscapes
Z Bátori, L Erdős, M Gajdács, K Barta, Z Tobak, C Tölgyesi
Forest Ecology and Management 496, 119446, 2021
An application of a spatial simulated annealing sampling optimization algorithm to support digital soil mapping
G Szatmári, K Barta, L Pásztor
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (1), 35-48, 2015
Assessing available water content of sandy soils to support drought monitoring and agricultural water management
Z Ladányi, K Barta, V Blanka, B Pálffy
Water Resources Management 35 (3), 869-880, 2021
Estimating element transport rates on sloping agricultural land at catchment scale (Velence Mts., NW Hungary)
A Farsang, G Kitka, K Barta, I Puskas
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7 (4), 15-26, 2012
Identification of inland excess water floodings using an artificial neural network
B Van Leeuwen, G MEZŐSI, Z Tobak, J Szatmari, K Barta
Carpathian Journal of earth and environmental sciences 7 (4), 173-180, 2012
Historical land use and anthropogenic features: A case study from Nagymaros
A Kiss, K Barta, Z Sümeghy, A Czinege
Acta Climatologica et Chorologica 38, 111-124, 2005
Operatív aszály-és vízhiánykezelő monitoring rendszer
K Fiala, K Barta, B Benyhe, I Fehérváry, J Lábdy, G Sipos, L Győrffy
Hidrológiai közlöny 98 (3), 14-24, 2018
A EUROSEM talajeróziós modell tesztelése hazai mintaterületen
K Barta
A földrajz eredményei az új évezred küszöbén. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia …, 2001
Estimation of soil material transportation by wind based on in situ wind tunnel experiments
A Farsang, R Duttmann, M Bartus, J Szatmári, K Barta, G Bozsó
Journal of Environmental Geography 6 (3-4), 13-20, 2013
Csernozjom talajok szervesanyag-tartalmának digitális térképezése erózióval veszélyeztetett mezőföldi területen| Digital mapping of the organic matter content of chernozem …
G Szatmári, K Barta
Agrokémia és Talajtan 62 (1), 47-60, 2013
A talajerózió hatása a feltalaj makro-és mikroelem tartalmára
A Farsang, K Barta
Talajvédelem különszám, 268-276, 2004
Phytoremediation of heavy metal pollution: A case study
Á Vashegyi
Acta Biologica Szegediensis 49 (1-2), 77-79, 2005
Modeling wind erosion hazard control efficiency with an emphasis on shelterbelt system and plot size planning
M Bartus, K Barta, J Szatmári, A Farsang
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 61 (2), 123-133, 2017
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