Curtis Marean
Curtis Marean
Institute of Human Origins, SHESC, Arizona State University
E-mail megerősítve itt: asu.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Early human use of marine resources and pigment in South Africa during the Middle Pleistocene
CW Marean, M Bar-Matthews, J Bernatchez, E Fisher, P Goldberg, ...
Nature 449 (7164), 905-908, 2007
The origin of modern human behavior: critique of the models and their test implications
CS Henshilwood, CW Marean
Current anthropology 44 (5), 627-651, 2003
Evidence for stone-tool-assisted consumption of animal tissues before 3.39 million years ago at Dikika, Ethiopia
SP McPherron, Z Alemseged, CW Marean, JG Wynn, D Reed, D Geraads, ...
Nature 466 (7308), 857-860, 2010
Blind tests of inter-analyst correspondence and accuracy in the identification of cut marks, percussion marks, and carnivore tooth marks on bone surfaces
RJ Blumenschine, CW Marean, SD Capaldo
Journal of archaeological science 23 (4), 493-507, 1996
Fire as an engineering tool of early modern humans
KS Brown, CW Marean, AIR Herries, Z Jacobs, C Tribolo, D Braun, ...
Science 325 (5942), 859-862, 2009
An early bone tool industry from the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for the origins of modern human behaviour, symbolism and language
CS Henshilwood, F d'Errico, CW Marean, RG Milo, R Yates
Journal of human evolution 41 (6), 631-678, 2001
Captive hyaena bone choice and destruction, the schlepp effect and Olduvai archaeofaunas
CW Marean, LM Spencer, RJ Blumenschine, SD Capaldo
Journal of Archaeological Science 19 (1), 101-121, 1992
Characteristics of an early hominid scavenging niche [and comments and reply]
RJ Blumenschine, HT Bunn, V Geist, F Ikawa-Smith, CW Marean, ...
Current anthropology 28 (4), 383-407, 1987
Impact of carnivore ravaging on zooarchaeological measures of element abundance
CW Marean, LM Spencer
American Antiquity 56 (4), 645-658, 1991
Late Pliocene Homo and Oldow an Tools from the Hadar Formation (Kada Hadar M ember), Ethiopia
KE Reed, JL Aronson, Z Assefa, CW Marean, GG Eck, R Bobe, E Hovers, ...
Journal of human evolution 31, 549-561, 1996
Mousterian large-mammal remains from Kobeh Cave behavioral implications for Neanderthals and early modern humans
CW Marean, SY Kim
Current anthropology 39 (S1), S79-S114, 1998
Pinnacle Point Cave 13B (Western Cape Province, South Africa) in context: the Cape floral kingdom, shellfish, and modern human origins
CW Marean
Journal of Human Evolution 59 (3-4), 425-443, 2010
An early and enduring advanced technology originating 71,000 years ago in South Africa
KS Brown, CW Marean, Z Jacobs, BJ Schoville, S Oestmo, EC Fisher, ...
Nature 491 (7425), 590-593, 2012
A carnivore's view of archaeological bone assemblages
RJ Blumenschine
From bones to behavior, 1993
Measuring the post-depositional destruction of bone in archaeological assemblages
CW Marean
Journal of archaeological Science 18 (6), 677-694, 1991
Explaining the “Klasies Pattern”: Kua ethnoarchaeology, the Die Kelders Middle Stone Age archaeofauna, long bone fragmentation and carnivore ravaging
LE Bartram Jr, CW Marean
Journal of Archaeological Science 26 (1), 9-29, 1999
Middle and Late Pleistocene paleoscape modeling along the southern coast of South Africa
EC Fisher, M Bar-Matthews, A Jerardino, CW Marean
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (11-12), 1382-1398, 2010
Protein sequences bound to mineral surfaces persist into deep time
B Demarchi, S Hall, T Roncal-Herrero, CL Freeman, J Woolley, MK Crisp, ...
elife 5, e17092, 2016
Shellfish gathering, marine paleoecology and modern human behavior: perspectives from cave PP13B, Pinnacle Point, South Africa
A Jerardino, CW Marean
Journal of human evolution 59 (3-4), 412-424, 2010
Zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of the Die Kelders Cave 1 Layers 10 and 11 Middle Stone Age larger mammal fauna
CW Marean, Y Abe, CJ Frey, RC Randall
Journal of Human Evolution 38 (1), 197-233, 2000
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