Psychosocial work stressors and well-being: Self-esteem and optimism as moderators in a one-year longitudinal sample A Mäkikangas, U Kinnunen Personality and individual differences 35 (3), 537-557, 2003 | 638 | 2003 |
Cross‐lagged associations between perceived external employability, job insecurity, and exhaustion: Testing gain and loss spirals according to the conservation of resources theory N De Cuyper, A Mäkikangas, U Kinnunen, S Mauno, HD Witte Journal of organizational behavior 33 (6), 770-788, 2012 | 456 | 2012 |
Psychological consequences of fixed-term employment and perceived job insecurity among health care staff S Mauno, U Kinnunen, A Mäkikangas, J Nätti European Journal of work and organizational psychology 14 (3), 209-237, 2005 | 433 | 2005 |
Testing the effort-reward imbalance model among Finnish managers: the role of perceived organizational support. U Kinnunen, T Feldt, A Mäkikangas Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (2), 114, 2008 | 317 | 2008 |
Work–family conflict and its relations to well-being: The role of personality as a moderating factor U Kinnunen, A Vermulst, J Gerris, A Mäkikangas Personality and Individual differences 35 (7), 1669-1683, 2003 | 316 | 2003 |
The role of job resources in the relation between perceived employability and turnover intention: A prospective two-sample study N De Cuyper, S Mauno, U Kinnunen, A Mäkikangas Journal of vocational behavior 78 (2), 253-263, 2011 | 275 | 2011 |
Job resources and flow at work: Modelling the relationship via latent growth curve and mixture model methodology A Mäkikangas, AB Bakker, K Aunola, E Demerouti Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 83 (3), 795-814, 2010 | 252 | 2010 |
Self-esteem, dispositional optimism, and health: Evidence from cross-lagged data on employees A Mäkikangas, U Kinnunen, T Feldt Journal of research in personality 38 (6), 556-575, 2004 | 251 | 2004 |
Does personality matter? A review of individual differences in occupational well-being A Mäkikangas, T Feldt, U Kinnunen, S Mauno Advances in positive organizational psychology, 107-143, 2013 | 246 | 2013 |
The person-oriented approach to burnout: A systematic review A Mäkikangas, U Kinnunen Burnout Research 3 (1), 11-23, 2016 | 226 | 2016 |
The longitudinal development of employee well-being: A systematic review A Mäkikangas, U Kinnunen, T Feldt, W Schaufeli Work & stress 30 (1), 46-70, 2016 | 221 | 2016 |
Young managers’ drive to thrive: A personal work goal approach to burnout and work engagement K Hyvönen, T Feldt, K Salmela-Aro, U Kinnunen, A Mäkikangas Journal of vocational Behavior 75 (2), 183-196, 2009 | 220 | 2009 |
Positiivisen psykologian näkökulma työhön ja työhyvinvointiin A Mäkikangas, T Feldt, U Kinnunen Teoksessa U. Kinnunen, T. Feldt & S. Mauno (toim.), Työ leipälajina …, 2005 | 204 | 2005 |
Työstä hyvinvointia, mutta millaista? Työhyvinvoinnin monet kuvaajat A Mäkikangas, J Hakanen Tykkää työstä: työhyvinvoinnin psykologiset perusteet, 103-125, 2017 | 196 | 2017 |
Job crafting profiles and work engagement: A person-centered approach A Mäkikangas Journal of vocational behavior 106, 101-111, 2018 | 186 | 2018 |
Occupational well-being as a mediator between job insecurity and turnover intention: Findings at the individual and work department levels S Mauno, N De Cuyper, A Tolvanen, U Kinnunen, A Mäkikangas European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (3), 381-393, 2014 | 179 | 2014 |
Development trajectories of Finnish managers' work ability over a 10-year follow-up period T Feldt, K Hyvönen, A Mäkikangas, U Kinnunen, K Kokko Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 37-47, 2009 | 171 | 2009 |
The effects of unemployment and perceived job insecurity: a comparison of their association with psychological and somatic complaints, self-rated health and life satisfaction Y Griep, U Kinnunen, J Nätti, N De Cuyper, S Mauno, A Mäkikangas, ... International archives of occupational and environmental health 89, 147-162, 2016 | 169 | 2016 |
Does job insecurity threaten who you are? Introducing a social identity perspective to explain well‐being and performance consequences of job insecurity E Selenko, A Mäkikangas, CB Stride Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (6), 856-875, 2017 | 167 | 2017 |
Profiling development of burnout over eight years: Relation with job demands and resources A Mäkikangas, MP Leiter, U Kinnunen, T Feldt European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (5), 720-731, 2021 | 165 | 2021 |