Yun Wan
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
The cultural impact on social commerce: A sentiment analysis on Yelp ethnic restaurant reviews
M Nakayama, Y Wan
Information & Management 56 (2), 271-279, 2019
The impact of age and shopping experiences on the classification of search, experience, and credence goods in online shopping
Y Wan, M Nakayama, N Sutcliffe
Information Systems and e-Business Management 10 (1), 135-148, 2012
Is culture of origin associated with more expressions? An analysis of Yelp reviews on Japanese restaurants
M Nakayama, Y Wan
Tourism Management 66, 329-338, 2018
The Matthew Effect in social commerce
Y Wan
Electronic Markets 25 (4), 313-324, 2015
Factors governing the consumption of explicit knowledge
KC Desouza, Y Awazu, Y Wan
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 (1 …, 2006
Has the web transformed experience goods into search goods?
M Nakayama, N Sutcliffe, Y Wan
Electronic Markets 20 (3), 251-262, 2010
Graph Attention LSTM Network: A New Model for Traffic Flow Forecasting
T Wu, F Chen, Y Wan
5th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering …, 2018
The reliability of online review helpfulness
Y Wan, M Nakayama
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 15 (3), 179-189, 2014
Network ties and the success of open source software development
G Peng, Y Wan, P Woodlock
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 22 (4), 269-281, 2013
A classification of product comparison agents
Y Wan, S Menon, A Ramaprasad
Communications of the ACM 50 (8), 65-71, 2007
Automated predictive analytics tool for rainfall forecasting
M Raval, P Sivashanmugam, V Pham, H Gohel, A Kaushik, Y Wan
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 17704, 2021
The paradoxical nature of electronic decision aids on comparison-shopping: the experiments and analysis
Y Wan, S Menon, A Ramaprasad
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 4 (3), 80-96, 2009
Exploratory study on anchoring: fake vote counts in consumer reviews affect judgments of information quality
M Nakayama, Y Wan
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 12 (1), 1-20, 2017
Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs
Y Wan
IGI Global, 2009
Will the overseas expansion of Facebook succeed?
Y Wan, V Kumar, A Bukhari
IEEE Internet Computing 12 (3), 69-73, 2008
What's Next for Shopbots?
Y Wan, G Peng
IEEE Computer 43 (5), 20-26, 2010
A classification of product comparison agents
Y Wan, S Menon, A Ramaprasad
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Electronic commerce, 498-504, 2003
Same sushi, different impressions: a cross-cultural analysis of Yelp reviews
M Nakayama, Y Wan
Information Technology & Tourism 21 (2), 181-207, 2019
WOM or eWOM or Something Else: How Does the Web Affect Our Dependence on Shopping Information Sources?
M Nakayama, Y Wan, NG Sutcliffe
AMCIS, 446, 2010
How it happens: A conceptual explanation of choice overload in online decision making by individuals
Y Wan, S Menon, A Ramaprasad
Ninth Americas conference on information systems, Tampa, Florida, USA, 2379-2384, 2003
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