Sujeet K. Jha
Sujeet K. Jha
Principal Scientist (Agricultural Extension), ICAR Headquarter, New Delhi, INDIA
E-mail megerősítve itt: icar.gov.in
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
An assessment of social vulnerability to climate change among the districts of Arunachal Pradesh, India
S Maiti, SK Jha, S Garai, A Nag, AK Bera, V Paul, RC Upadhaya, SM Deb
Ecological Indicators 77, 105-113, 2017
Assessment of social vulnerability to climate change in the eastern coast of India
S Maiti, SK Jha, S Garai, A Nag, R Chakravarty, KS Kadian, BS Chandel, ...
Climatic Change 131, 287-306, 2015
Impact of training programme on knowledge and adoption of preservation technologies among farm women-A comparative study
P Sharma, GP Singh, SK Jha
Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu 13 (1), 96-100, 2013
Frontline demonstrations on Indian mustard: An impact assessment
AK Sharma, V Kumar, SK Jha, RC Sachan
Indian J. Ext. Edu 11 (3), 25-31, 2011
Critical analysis of information sources and channels preferred by rapeseed-mustard farmers
AK Sharma, SK Jha, V Kumar, RC Sachan, A Kumar
Personnel 8 (10), 30.42, 2008
Adapting to climate change: Traditional coping mechanism followed by the Brokpa pastoral nomads of Arunachal Pradesh, India
S Maiti, SK Jha, S Garai, A Nag, R Chakravarty, KS Kadian, BS Chandel, ...
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2014
Are multidimensional poor more vulnerable to climate change? Evidence from rural Bihar, India
M Sinha, R Sendhil, BS Chandel, R Malhotra, A Singh, SK Jha, ...
Social Indicators Research, 1-27, 2022
A resilience scale to measure farmers’ suicidal tendencies in national calamity hit region of India
SP Lal, KS Kadian, SK Jha, SRK Singh, J Goyal, RS Kumar, SP Singh
Current World Environment 9 (3), 1001-1007, 2014
Analyzing adaptation strategies to climate change followed by the farming community of the Indian Sunderbans using Analytical Hierarchy Process
S Dutta, S Maiti, S Garai, F Abrar, SK Jha, M Bhakat, S Mandal, KS Kadian
Journal of Coastal Conservation 24, 1-14, 2020
Adaptation strategies followed by the livestock rearers of coastal Odisha and West Bengal to cope up with climate change
S Maiti, SK Jha, S Garai, A Nag, R Chakravarty, KS Kadian, BS Chandel, ...
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (6), 652-59, 2014
Electrical-discharge machining of tungsten carbide (WC) and its composites (WC-Co)–A review
G Bhadauria, SK Jha, BN Roy, NS Dhakry
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (11), 24760-24769, 2018
Change in livestock holdings, adaptation strategies and livelihood security of the farmers affected by national calamity in Bihar, India
SP Lal, KS Kadian, SK Jha, AK Sharma, J Goyal, RS Kumar, AK Chauhan, ...
Indian Journal of Dairy Science 68 (1), 83-90, 2015
Adoption pattern of recommended mustard production technology in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan
RC Sachan, AK Sharma, SK Jha
Rajasthan J. Extn. Edn 5 (1), 27-30, 2005
Assessment of livelihood security of tribal farmers: a case study from tribal area of Madhya Pradesh, India
HR Barela, SK Jha, CK Rai, R Yadav
International journal of current Microbiology and Applied sciences 7 (3 …, 2018
Radio: An educational media to transfer agricultural information among farmers
N Kumari, SB Choudhary, SK Jha, SRK Singh
Age (in years) 33 (14), 22.2, 2014
Constraints perceived by the dairy farmers in adoption of scientific dairy farming practices.
JP Lokhande, SK Jha, MD Vaidya
Vulnerability to climate change among the livestock rearers of eastern coastal region of India: A household level assessment
S Maiti, SK Jha, S Garai, A Nag, R Chakravarty, KS Kadian, BS Chandel, ...
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (10), 1048-1054, 2014
Return migration of rural youth: a new trend in rural India
J Parameswaranaik, SK Jha
Journal of Global Communication 11 (2), 124-127, 2018
Fuzzy TOPSIS multi-criteria decision making for selection of electric molding machine
A Trivedi, SK Jha, S Choudhary, R Shandley
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the Fifth …, 2019
Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in the patients visiting tertiary health care hospital, Faridabad; Haryana
S Jha, N Ahmad
International Journal of Scientific Research 2 (10), 1-2, 2013
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